Category 170
Discussion List
Looking for similar report in fusion vs EBS - Accrual write off reportSummary: In EBS we are using Accrual Write Off report, the report suggested in fusion as a similar content is Accrual Clearing Report. However when we compare the out pu…
SLA Source for Interorg Transaction Types/In-Transit Transfer OrdersThe Oracle defined mapping set for Trade clearing and Interorganization receivables transaction types to account trade-in-transit receipt and and trade-in-transit issue …
How to update payee information with Supplier Bank Account Import Template (FBDI)Summary: Which fields must be populated in the SupplierBankAccountImportTemplate (FBDI) to update the payee or bank account information? Content (please ensure you mask …
how can we update the cost_type of an item from FIFO to Average cost type in EBSSummary: FIFO had been defined as the cost_type for all items and in the organization parameters. But, the users want to change the cost type on the items/organization p…
Provisional completion with Value at last actual cost in Actual Cost Method?Summary: In the above mentioned scenario (Provisional completion with Value at last actual cost in Actual Cost Method), Our understanding is that the FG cost remains sam…
Inventory Infolet On Hand Value Versus Review Inventory ValuationSummary: Infolet shows 49.7K value today, during Oct-23 period and Review Inventory Valuation shows no value for OCT-23 period. These screens should show the Inventory v…
Exchange Rate Variance in Secondary Ledger for Accrual ClearingHi Experts, We have noticed an exchange rate variance in our secondary ledger (USD) when we clear accruals for old Purchase Orders which is resulting in a balance leftov…
Update the Item Cost Profile from Expense profile to Asset ProfileHi All. Our Customer want to change the cost profile for items from Expense cost profile to Asset cost Profile. We have MRO items which are defined as expense items (Inv…
SCM Event types descriptionSummary: Is there Oracle documentation on what each SCM Event Type is (description, accounting impact, etc.)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Is Cut-off Date for Create Cost Accounting Distributions Run control is dependent on Time Zone.We have two cost organization which are in 2 different time zones i.e. US & Copenhagen, respectively. The time difference between these 2 time zones is around 9 Hrs. The…
How to use the 23B new feature 'WRITE OFF ACCRUALS WITH NO RECEIPTS' ?Summary: We want to know how to use the new 23B feature 'WRITE OFF ACCRUALS WITH NO RECEIPTS' and how is it different from the previous method of using 'Adjust Receipt A…
Receipt accounting distribution not getting generated for Inventory POReceipt accounting distribution not getting generated for Inventory PO. PO is received. PO is Accrue at Receipt. Cost Period is open. GL period is also open. Cost Organi…
Is there a report to get the lines ready for picking before we run pick release?Summary: We want to check the list of items prior to running pick release (that performs reservation) to know which lines would be pick released. Basically we need to ru…
Treatment of Cost Variance that gets generated When process Return To Supplier For Actual Cost ItemsSummary: How a cost variance clearing account balance should be cleared and treated in the books that is generated by system When process Return To Supplier For Actual C…
Redesigned Acquisition Cost Processor in Update 24D for Cost Manag Customer, what is the impactSummary: release new cost processor in 24D impact Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): what is the impact for this new cost processor and if it…
How to join Cost Accounting Real Time and Inventory Transactions Real Time in OTBI reporting?Summary: We have a requirement to create a report to identify latest inventory transactions for item in a Inventory Organization-Subinventory combination. This report ne…
Can you associate a landed cost invoice in USD to a CAD PO?Summary: We are investigating to associate a landed cost invoice in USD to a CAD PO. 1) can this be done? 2) Would it properly apply re-measurement onto the payable and …
Wrong material costing at WIP completionSummary: We are expecting material element cost to be equal to the material being consumed during various operations at the time of WIP completion. But we are getting bi…
Cost roll up is happening for Inactive ItemsConcerns- Why are inactive items forming part of roll, when no change has been made to the system for those FG/RM items? In terms of active items, when no change has bee…
Adjust Accruals if multiple accrual entries are found in "Audit Receipt Accrual Clearing Balances"Summary: We are seeing multiple entries in "Audit Receipt Accrual Clearing Balances" for single PO. This is happening because Accrual account on PO/Receipt is different …
SLA - How to put customer name from sales order in Description Rule?Summary: For sales order issue transactions, the client's requirement is to display the customer name in a journal line description. Content (please ensure you mask any …
What is difference between TRANSFER_PRICE and TRANSFER_CREDIT Cost Compoment.Summary: What is the difference between TRANSFER_PRICE and TRANSFER_CREDIT Cost Component? How does it impact the accounting.? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
When does COGS recognition happens in Sales Order?When does COGS recognition happens? Is it after the Ship Confirmation or after AR invoice and revenue recognition? Read through the document Understanding COGS and DCOGS…
Where can we define the Unit CostHello, where can I define this cost? Please if you can share the navigation. Thank you
How to upload mass cost elements?Summary: How to upload mass cost elements? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…
Use LCM For transferring freight cost to Item Cost without EstimateSummary: We want to create a PO with a freight line. After Receiving, when we create a AP invoice, we will enable it for LCM but we don't want to go through the estimati…
IPV doesn't hit wrie off accountHello, I have a question. I have received a PO for an item with price 100, then issues all the quantity. The invoice is for 110 instead of 100, in the invoice an IPV jou…
How Accruals work for Expense PO (which are accrued at period end)Summary: For Expense destination PO (which are accrued at period end) the receipt for amount=X was created but this receipt was later corrected in the same period with a…
SLA Source for Interorg and Intercompany Transaction TypesSummary: We are using Intercompany (SCFO) in our Business ,for Intercompany accounting system generates the Class Trade Clearing (Account 123) and Interorganization rece…
Rollup cost calculation for Fixed Labor vs Variable LaborSummary: We'd like to understand the difference in Cost Rollup formula for Fixed Labor vs Variable Labor Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): F…