Category 203
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Conditional Delivery Options in HCM ExtractSummary: We have a requirement to create multiple Extract Delivery options based on a parameter (Legal Entity level DFF) that corresponds to the Payroll code for differe…Pronoy Sinha 1990-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Pronoy Sinha 1990-Oracle HCM Extract
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How to use Rest API's to Create an Element EntrySummary: I am looking for a payload to use the /hcmRestApi/resources/ endpoint, utilizing ElementName instead of ElementTypeId Content (require…
Issue with scheduled extract.Hi Team, We have an extract which is scheduled on a daily basis. The extract which is scheduled has run into corrected processes without manual intervention. The sub tas…
How to audit Assignment CostingI am trying to capture deleted Assignment Costing records via HCM Extracts however, its not working. Is there a different way to do this?
How to check the status of "Generate Data Loader File" task using SOAP?Summary: We are triggering "Load Data from File" payroll flow from OIC integration to perform transformation, generate HDL and invokve HDL. We would like to check the st…
Ways to re-arrange the Department and Organization Trees that is usually in Alphabetical Order?Hi Community May I ask here if someone already set or configured the behavior of Department and Organizational Trees arrangement in Display that are usually in Alphabeti…
AWS CognitoSummary: Hi experts, Our clients need to implement SSO using AWS Cognito. Is AWS Cognito part of Oracle Pre-approved IdM providers? Regards, MassimilianoMassimiliano Giacomini 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jun Ye-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Need to load Pending Worker Data and also Convert to Employee through HDLSummary: Need to load Pending Worker Data and also Convert to Employee through HDL Content (required): We have a requirement we need to load pending worker and also need…
How to Add Representative information into ExtarctSummary: Hi Expert, I'm new in Oracle Extract, and I need your assistance regarding adding representative information to the worker extract file. I tried to search the u…
Client is able to view the output of HCM Extract run by other users?Summary: We have a Role INSEAD RUN HCM Extract role job role with respective country Data Roles Ex Singapore has INSEAD RUN HCM Extract Data SG; When the user from Clien…Amitha Narayanaswamy-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle HCM Integrations
- You need to enter a valid data group hierarchy structure in the extract definition name.Summary: Created an HCM Extract with various data group one of which is a root data group and was able to connect properly the other data group. However, when I validate…RU Racquel Mendoza 120 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Juan Carlo Culibra-Oracle HCM Extract
PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE is picking Addrline1 from Primary addr and remaining addr picking wrong datSummary: In One of the ADP extract, We have observed that PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_UE picking primary address only in Addressline1 and rest of the address fields(Addrline2,Sta…
How to join per_per_contact_relationship_ue and per_per_phones_ueSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Sravani Vangala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Juan Carlo Culibra-Oracle HCM Integrations
Hcm Extract User Entity to fetch Ethnicity information of EmployeeSummary: Hi Is there any User Entity to fetch the Ethnicity information? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you …
Need Information on few HCM Extract Attribute fieldsSummary: Is it possible to limit/exclude an attribute value from the XML file. From the above image, we want to exclude the highlighted attribute values from the output …
HDL to override person number in Pending workerSummary: Customer Require HDL Template To Change Person Number for Pending Worker Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
How to customise seeded Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process Extract?Hi All, Please suggest, The Business wants to add one Attribute in the seeded Extract i.e., Payroll Register Report for the Latest Process Extract. I have reviewed that …Ravikumar pasam-Oracle 131 views 36 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravikumar pasam-Oracle HCM Extract
Is it possible to setup a probation date end alerts with resource worker?Summary: We have a requirement to send alert to line manager and employee when the probation endate is reaching as per the below criteria. I could not find any option to…
Request to understand if there is subsequent REST API available: flowActionUriSummary: flowActionUri: we are looking for subsequent REST API >>> /hcmRestApi/resources/11.13.18.…
Download attachment from DOR via rest call apiSummary: Hi experts, I'm using Postman and trying to download attachments from the Documents of record, but when launching the request I get the following error: 415 Uns…
Primary Assignment field not available in redwood Add assignment page.Summary: We have observed, In Redwood add assignment page Primary Assignment filed is not available. We have to perform 2 different transactions for adding additional as…
talent management extractSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Time UEs - Duplicate absence entries seen when a timeentry is updated in a week that has an absence.Summary: We have designed a changes only HCM extract that will pull calculated time information from UEs. Content (required): HWM_EXT_CALCULATED_TIMECARD_HDR_UE as root …
Oracle HCM Extract - Department - GL Cost Centre informationSummary: Hi Experts, I need to fetch the department GL cost center information details. Also need to fetch multiple rows or all existing rows. like we have two row for c…
Customization of the 'PAYMENTS' Extract present in Oracle Cloud HCM system.Summary: We have a client requirement to get the additional details along with attributes present in the Oracle delivered 'PAYMENTS' extract. We have verified the Paymen…
How to get the status of a FlowAction using the SOAP API?Summary: I have a Flow Pattern defined and I can submit it using the FlowAction submitAndGetFlowInstanceId SOAP API. But now I am trying to figure out how to get the sta…Richard Kao 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Can We Write With Clause in oracle HCM Extract filterSummary: Hi, Can we write 'WITH CLAUSE' in HCM Extract Filter? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using,…
After 24A patch upgrade our HCM Extracts (Payroll Custom Extracts) are running long time.Hi All, After 24A patch upgrade our HCM Extracts (Payroll Custom Extracts) are running long time. Before patch it was completed in 5 mins now its running more then 6hrs.…
Changes only HCM extract parameter to be available in XML even when there is no data changeSummary: We have a requirement where extract takes an input parameter - Email ID. When the extract completes running the file has to emailed to the email ID in parameter…