Category 222
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Sign the Message Content with XML Digital Signature in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)Summary: Hi Team, I have a requirement to sign the XML body with an XML Digital signature using privateKey. Is there any SOAP or Rest API to handle this? OR Any other so…
How to enable an external oracle database to update table in Oracle DBaaS hosted in OCISummary: Is there a way to connect to a DBaaS table from an Oracle on-prem database? How to enable an external oracle database to update table in Oracle DBaaS hosted in …
Substring last 5 characters from a string - OIC GEN 3Need to Substring last 5 characters from a string from an integration in OIC GEN 3. I am expecting substring("r e dwood", -5, 5) will result "dwood". So I tried below fo…
How to pass collections to PL/SQL package from OICSummary: We are in the process of transferring all direct table operations (insert/update/delete) from the OIC database activity to a PL/SQL package. However, we are enc…
How to process more than 1000 feeds from OIC HCM Adapter Atom FeedSummary: We have a requirement to process more than 1000 feeds for a single run through HCM Adapter Atom feeds. But in the HCM Adapter under Max entries to process list …
Invoke Request Job Set using OICSummary: I am not able to invoke ESS Request Job Set using OIC. I am getting error in using connection itself. Can someone help or in case of any blogs/materials Content…
Implementing Decline reason requirement in OTM as Mandatory?Summary: What is the approach in implementing the decline reason requirement as mandatory when the shipment is declined, and what are the ways to develop the solution? C…
SFDC Bulk Job is not returning job id on a custom objectSummary: I am trying to load data into SFDC Custom object via bulk job 'update' operation using SFDC Connector. My integration is completing with no errors but SFDC Bulk…
Performance issue while loading time entries via Rest API in OICSummary: We are facing significant performance issue when loading time entries through the Rest API in OIC. Its taking around 1hr to load 2.5k records, but the expected …
Enabling OAUTH in OIC gen3Summary: Hello Team, Our lower instances got upgraded to OIC generation 3. After the upgrade, OIC REST API calls with basic authentication are not working. To overcome t…
Centralized location to see a list of all Open API endpoints for integrations within an OIC instanceSummary: I can view the metadata for individual OIC integrations by clicking on their endpoints. However, I'm curious if there's a more efficient way to obtain a compreh…
Fusion - Apex integrationHi Experts, We are using oracle fusion application cloud ERP(SAAS). We also have paas services (OIC4Saas and apex on DBCS) for saas extensions. We wanted to use Oracle F…
Duplicated error when zipping fileHi all, I'm facing an issue in the OIC Gen3 24.08. When the code will zip the folder with the CSV files to load into Cloud (in FBDI format), the code failed and return t…
OIC3 post upgrade, not able to access swagger and test consoleTrying to test the integration post upgrade, getting above error. But our integration is in active state.
Append variableSummary: Append global variable ans use the nodes into the object refered variable Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): help me pleaseeee all e…
OIC: Multiple schedule frequencies and schedule ParameterHello All - Now, OIC Schedule supports multiple schedule frequencies () , but how can we submit multiple schedules for a single Integration, each with a different value …
total results changing when offsetSummary: We have observed when making certain rest calls with offset and limit the total results is changing and limiting our access to information. For example, when {{…
Could not refresh the token in OIC/VBCS BO REST CallSummary: We have set up Client Application for VBCS/OIC Instance for OAuth2.0 in IDCS and considered below authorization types Client Credentials Resource Owner Refresh …
Capturing x-amz-request-id and x-amz-id-2 Headers in OIC Integration to AWS S3Summary: I'm facing an issue with an OIC integration that sends files to Amazon S3. Some requests are failing with an error, and AWS support has requested the x-amz-requ…
When I use the Integration Adapter in gen 3 I cannot see integrations from other projetctsSummary: I have 2 projects. One is going to be "Library" of common integrations. The other is my test project. When I try to use the "Integration Adapter" to call one of…
Salesforce Adapter OAAuth2Summary: Hi Team, we are configured the OIC Salesforce adapter as below documentation and everything seems to be ok. Oracle also confirmed same on configuration. However…
I'm having an issue when trying to use an API to create lines to a selected Invoice.The error is "You must provide a valid value for the Purchase Order Number attribute. (AP-810667)" but when i checked for the PO was opened body: { "LineNumber": 3, "Lin…
Using OIC to get files from Oracle database as BLOB or from file systemSummary: We have a requirement to fetch files stored in Oracle database blob column and save to another application. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Looking for options without connectivity agent to poll filesSummary: Is there anyway we can create a polling service for files without File Adapter and not scheduling integration for OIC SFTP file drop zones? Content (please ensu…
Salesforce bulk API 2.0 not available in OIC Salesforce adapterSummary: Hi All, we would like to use Salesforce Bulk API approach to load data from Oracle to Salesforce. Looks like OIC SF adapter only include Bulk 1.0 and 2.0 is not…
How setup postman to use OAuth call to Fusion Apps rest API?Summary: We are trying to use OAuth to call Fusion rest services (for example /fscmRestApi/resources/ We've setup a confidential application, but I…
How to call fusion REST/SOAP services using the SAML method using API Authentication?Summary: We have already configured the consumption of the Fusion API using JWT token, but we need to understand how to connect to the Fusion SOAP/REST services using th…
Dynamically passing the decryption key in the stage activity decrypt File operationSummary: How to dynamically pass the decryption key in the stage activity decrypt File operation. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to d…
Error while configuring SOAP TriggerSummary: Getting error while configuring my custom SOAP WSDL Content (required): An error occurred while preparing mapper object. [Cause: ICS-10064]oracle.ics.webconsole…
Unable to Download the XSD Schema in OIC Gen3Hi Everyone, I would like ask if there's a way to download the configured schema in the OIC integration. We were able to do it in Gen2, however, in Gen3, we can only see…Sofia Danielle Sarmiento 204 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Monish Munot-Oracle Integration