Category 333
Discussion List
Group Assets - can future-added assets use bonus depreciation?Summary: We would like to utilize the Group Asset functionality for our Canada and UK assets. Assume a Group Asset currently has 10 member assets, and the group's Depr M…
Depreciation calculation after Adjustment to AssetSummary: An Asset Cost is Its life was periods 120 which was put wrongly. so it calculated YTD depreciation for May 2022 as When adjusted and corrected to Life in period…
Asset accounting in Tax Book is happening despite 'Post to Ledger' option checkbox is uncheckedSummary: In the Tax Asset Book, Post to Ledger option is unchecked since there is no requirement for accounting in Tax Asset Book. However, I can see that accounting is …
Option to rollback Depreciation for current monthSummary: Earlier it use to be the depreciation would not effect and after calculate depreciation it use to roll back until accounting or period close how this can be ach…
Created in Error - Please IgnoreSummary: Inventory Report shows asset condition as "Good", but we can't find that field in Asset Inquiry screens Content (required): In EBS Assets there was a field call…Peggy Sangiorgi-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saipriya Vaidyanaathan-Oracle Assets
re-opening a periodSummary: re-opening a period Content (required): hi, is it possible to reopen a period closed in FA? maybe generating a concurrent? thanks Version (include the version y…
Can we do initial mass copy to Tax book in the second month after conversion?Summary: Can we do initial mass copy to Tax book in the second month after conversion without copying to tax book in the first month and closing the first tax book perio…
Manage Value Sets task returning no results for Value Set Codes that have been used in the past.Summary: Attempting to add a new department for fixed assets. I have tried using the Value Set Code, Module, and Description fields with text previously used but all ret…User_2025-02-04-05-44-37-403 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Saipriya Vaidyanaathan-Oracle Assets
After 'Transfer asset to FA' process, assets came as 2 lines in FA, any particular reason why?Hello All, I created assets manually from Projects->Assets area. After that generated asset lines and transferred asset to FA. But when we check in FA, assets are coming…
Entering cost in Payables Cost column in ADFDI sheet to override asset cost clearing accountSummary: Is there any other financial or system impact when recording cost and in cost and payable cost columns both Content (required): In order to override the clearin…
How can we setup a notification in Oracle Fusion for assets received but not tagged within a weekSummary: is there a way to find out assets received but not tagged within a week Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Sni…User_2025-02-11-08-59-18-251 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anshu Malhotra -Oracle Assets
URGENT: Asset Cost Balances Custom Report: Tables and Columns requiredSummary: Custom Asset Cost Balances Report (Summary) Content (required): Hi We are building a custom "Cost Summary Report" with the full combination for asset cost accou…
How to process a specific list of incomplete additions in Assets?Summary: We are planning to send 150,000 assets into Fusion Fixed Assets and need to be able to search for and process specific batches of assets. Content (required): Pr…User_2025-02-05-09-40-23-780 161 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-40-23-780 Assets
Category and Depreciation Account is not populated by mass additions processSummary: I am trying to interface an asset line from Payables. I create one invoice with distribution account segment having one of clearing accounts. Invoice is validat…Ravi Prakash Shukla-Oracle 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Prakash Shukla-Oracle Assets
22B: Asset Additions Report with custom template not producing data.Summary: After upgrading to 22B, Asset Additions Report with custom template (data module is same) is not showing any data. Content (required): PROD is working fine but …
Asset created under wrong bookSummary: Hi, We import asset in to FA through Create Mass Additions program. Purchase team creates PO with asset clearing account upon receipt and finance user create ma…
Create Mass Additions - scheduled jobs are not auto-incrementing the argument1 parameterSummary: Create Mass Additions has been running nightly since Jan 4, 2021 for each of our Asset Books. Around Mar 18, 2021, our company applied the 22A Patch, and must h…
Why negative amount asset is allowed in Oracle? What is the business case for that?Summary: I can see that system allows to enter standalone negative amount asset which can also be depreciated (negative depreciation) over the life of the asset. I am ve…
Is the India Localization Functionality Available in Fusion Assets?Summary: Is the India Localization Functionality Available in Fusion Assets? Content (required): Hi, As per the Support Document reference : Is the India Localization Fu…
Japan Asset Book Regional Information and Tax Authority DetailsSummary: While configuring Japan Asset Book, I can see that there is Regional Information tab. Q1- Are we suppose to enter this detail in CORP Book or Tax Book? Also I w…
How to calculate depreciation as per Diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset BookSummary: How to calculate depreciation as per diminishing value method in Australia for Tax Asset Book Content (required): As per straight line - If Asset cost is $80000…
Prorate convention not definedSummary: In my current application configuration, I have not defined prorate calendar, as i would like to use depreciation calendar (monthly) as prorate convention calen…
Location Key it possible to extend?Summary: We have created a the location key flexfield with two segments. The value lists have data rows and flexfields have been compiled. Now we want to add another seg…
Depreciation & Prorate calendars are half yearly and prorate convention Calendar is yearly?Summary: Below are my requirements, Client wants to have the Asset calendars and Prorate conventions as given below. My Questions is will this requirement is achievable …
Accounting entries for partial retirementSummary: Currently for partial unit retirements, the entire cost is credited and then the new cost is debited. Is there a way to only credit the retirement amount on one…
How to derive some of the segments for Expense Account based on categorySummary: Content (required): When adding an asset, I am trying to get some COA segments (not all) derived automatically on Expense Account, based on asset category selec…
Need a report to get retirement accumulated depreciation.Summary: Content (required): Need an asset retirement detail report including the "Accumulated Depreciation" of retirement. The resort is needed category wise. Any idea …
Rent Free Period in Fusion Asset LeaseSummary: Dear Experts , We have a question relating to the Asset lease accounting in Oracle. We have just renewed our property lease. As part of the renewal we get a 3 m…
Privileges Require for Access to Action Dropdown in FSM for Import/Export CSV FileSummary: Which Privileges is Required for Access to Action Dropdown in FSM for Import/Export CSV File for 'Manage Asset Locations' task. We are not giving Application Im…