Category 333
Discussion List
Is there a way to fully depreciate asset without retiring it?Summary: We need to fast track depreciation of asset or fully depreciate asset because it was damaged and can no longer be used but it should not be retired. Example: As…
Asset Assignments for Fully Retired Assets Not ZeroSummary: We are seeing non zero Current Units under the Assignments tab under Asset Inquiry even though the asset has been fully retired. Content (required): We would li…
Unplanned depreciation on Group Assets missing in Reserve Summary and Detail reportsSummary: Unplanned depreciation on Group Assets is missing in the Reserve Summary and Reserve Detail reports Content (required): We have created multiple group assets an…
Customized Depreciation calculation formulaSummary: Want to use Straight Line Method Depreciation on NBV Basis. Content (required): Hello, We want to have a custom depreciation formula. Our formula will be like -…
Does Oracle Fusion functionality have the ability to support like-kind exchanges?Summary: Ability to calculate like-kind exchanges under US tax law Section 1031 - Like-kind exchanges United States tax law, also known as a Section 1031 exchange, is a …
Client require Opening and closing WDV column of an asset on What if analysis report outputSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Deleting Fixed AssetsSummary: When we went live with Oracle, almost 3 years ago - we loaded assets for a business unit that did not move over to Oracle at that point in time. We are now in t…
Any Report in which we can List out child assets assigned to particular parent asset in fusionSummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
The relevance of these in Asset Register Report: 1. Period Reserve 2. Depreciable basisSummary: Under FA Register Report, what does 'period reserve' and 'depreciable basis' mean? Content (required): Under FA Register Report, what does 'period reserve' and …
Clear assets for Fixed Asset module for 1 specific ledger for clean startSummary: Is there an easy way to clear Fixed Asset Module for 1 specific ledger for clean start in FY23? Content (required): UK ledger was supposed to go live in 2021, b…
XX TBDSummary: XX TBD Content (required): XX TBD Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if ap…
Can Tax Book be Assigned to a Secondary Ledger Using Different Calendar from the Primary LedgerSummary: Can Tax Book be Assigned to a Secondary Ledger Using Different Calendar from the Primary Ledger Content (required): Primary Ledger has accounting calendar from …
Do we have REST API to upload Asset Categories in Fixed Assets?Summary: Do we have REST API to upload Asset Categories in Fixed Assets? Content (required): We would like to add 145-150 more Asset Categories to existing set of catego…SHAN - Fusion PPM Consultant 125 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shawna Green-Support-Oracle Assets
Assets Conversion from EBS R12Summary: Content (required): Hi, We are converting assets from EBS R12.1.3 into Cloud Assets, and are encountering issues with extracting the correct amounts for Accumul…
Parent child relationship between AssetsContent (required): Hello Everyone, I am looking for some details on Parent-child relationship for the Assets. On Oracle Assets implementation guide, am not able to find…
2 year in advance lease set upSummary: Can anyone provide guidance on how to set up a 2 year in advance lease? 24 months Monthly In-advance $1,000 payment/month 1% interest rate Content (required): V…
How to capitalize an asset in Fusion Inventory Management?Summary: There is a requirement to capitalize an item (like a laptop) unless it is assigned to a user (the laptop box is opened and the laptop is physically turned on). …
I can't find the asset book while post mass additions FBDIHello, I am trying to post mass additions via FBDI to add many assets. I imported the csv file in the tools bar. but when scheduling new process "post mass addition" , I…
How to figure out the impacted table regarding a REST API?Summary: I am new to Oracle Cloud Application and studying some REST APIs. I would like to ask some questions regarding how REST API interact with application tables. Co…
Does the application allow to manage the same lease like "operating"and "Finance" in different book?Summary: Does the application allow you to manage the same fixed asset under a Lease within the Lease classification "Operating" in the corporate book and within "Financ…
Accelerated Investment IncentiveSummary In Canada, Company can calculate 1st year depreciation (Accelerated Investment Incentive) on Capital 150% in 2023 and 100% in 2024 to 2027 and 50% in 2028 on war…
Warning in UpdateFixedAssetConfiguration fileSummary: Warning text file is empty. Content (required): When uploading asset category combinations for new Asset book system gave a warning. (We only used the System co…
Can anyone help on the workaround mentioned in Oracle Document ID 1553588.1 for reinstatementSummary: Hi All, Can anyone please help me in understanding the workaround for reinstatement of assets in case there are multiple partial retirements. They have mentione…
ASSET MANAGEMENT BETWEEN CORPORATE AND TAX BOOKSummary: Hi, The company has a business requirement where they need a parent asset associated with several child assets to be created in the corporate book, and that whe…
How to update Asset Cost combination via Rapid SheetSummary: Content (required): Hi, I am using the Rapid Implementation sheet to update the natural account segment but cannot update segment 1, 2 and 3 (Entity, Program, O…
What is the source line retirement of asset in cloud and what is it benefitSummary: What is the source line retirement of asset in cloud and what is it benefit? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Cod…
Difference between the work around for split asset once an asset is posted by OracleSummary: Hi, Can anyone please explain the difference between the work arounds mentioned for splitting an asset once they are posted as provided in Oracle Document ID 28…
Best practices to be followed while implementing oracle Fixed Assets & Enterprise asset managementSummary: Hi, Can anyone provide any documents around the best practices which can be followed if two different system I.e. oracle cloud Fixed Asset is implemented and En…
Bulk asset updates to In Use and Inventorial flagsSummary: Need a method to update In Use and Inventorial flags on many assets Content (required): We are looking for a method to update many assets (few thousand potentia…