Category 335
Discussion List
How to change the currency in an Expenses payment request that has USD as the registration currency?Summary: How to change the currency in an Expenses payment request that has USD as the registration currency but wants to pay with MXN? Content (please ensure you mask a…
How can I reduce the number of expense approval emails our users are receiving?Summary: Users who have a delegate submitting expenses on their behalf receive an "FYI: Expense Report Approval EXPXXXX…" and "Expense Report Approval EXPXXXX…" notifica…
Unable to Split Expenses post 24D updatedSummary: After the 24D upgrade we are unable to split expenses. Has anyone else experienced this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
Should the License Plate Number field be available within the seeded Expenses subject area?Summary: I cannot find the License Plate Number field within the 'Expenses - Transactions Real-Time' subject area. This is a seeded field which can be enabled by using t…
Is it possible to have different default expense template for specific users.Summary: Is it possible/feasible to have a different default expense template for a specified user or user based default template assignment for both expense items and c…
Looking to streamline PCard transactions matching Merchant Codes for easier reconciliationOur goal is to identify solutions to streamline the Pcard reconciliation process, with the focus being on Meta charges (facebook, google, etc.) Is there a way to augment…
Error regarding Conflict with Authorization Project DataSummary: Error regarding Conflict with Authorization Project Data Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to understand the difference…
SPEND AUTHORIZATION USING REST API OR FBDISummary: SPEND AUTHORIZATION USING REST API OR FBDI Content (required): We have the Spend Authorization in the Oracle Cloud Expense module. I would like to know if there…
Diner's Club file format sampleSummary: We are in Implementation phase for Travel and Expenses and looking for Diner's Club sample file. As per documentation, Oracle Fusion Expense supports a list of …
Manage Unsubmitted Expense ItemsIs there any role (such as Expenses Administration or Expense Manager) or page that could give Expenses administrators global access to view and act upon unsubmitted exp…
Touchless Expenses for Bank of AmericaSummary: Probability for Extending Touchless Expenses Integration to Bank of America Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Similar to the curren…
Expense Types translation to local languageSummary: Translation to local language is not working for Expense Types. Any workable solution? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As per Cli…
Is there a way to setup notifications for expense rejections alone to submitter ?Summary: Expense Submitter should receive mail notification only when the Expense Is Rejected by Approver or Auditor. But submitter should not receive notification when …
Is it possible to default expense template at user level for loading credit card transactionsSummary: Is it possible to have the expense template default at user level so that credit card transactions can be loaded using the expense type mapping associated with …
Not Defaulting All Segment Except Account from Employee for cash AdvanceAs per standard functionality, all segment will be picked from employee except natural account from Setups but currently system is picking all segments from Setups, does…
Mandatory template for travel expense request with ValidationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Requirement is to attach a permanent template or URL to the travel expense report form. So that w…
How do we create expense through REST API but pay it to corporate card issuerSummary: Corporate Card File Format is not supported by Oracle and we want to process such expenses. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The c…
Limitations in Oracle Fusion Expense moduleHi, Do we have a list of limitations in Oracle Expense module when managing country-specific legal or regulatory requirements Are there any restrictions to achieve custo…SaurabhSinghal 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Localization support for Fusion Cloud ExpensesHi, In how many countries, do we have Localization support for Fusion Cloud Expenses ThanksSaurabhSinghal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Can we create a new field in Disability under person details or its confirmed to be seededSummary: Can we create a new field in Disability under person details or its confirmed to be seeded and DFF/DDF is seeded Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Nisha Kumari546 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Need View Cumulative Mileage Functionality ClarificationSummary: The Oracle documentation is not really clear regarding the cumulative mileage calculations and the view cumulative mileage functionality that employees have. Th…
Getting error while creating the Expense item "An application error occurred. See the incident Log"Summary: Getting error while creating the Expense item "An application error occurred. See the incident Log" Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…
Corporate card is not getting assigned automaticallyCan we assign the corporate card to employee automatically. whenever a new corporate card is used for a transaction by employee, the corporate card will be visible under…
How to update a cash advance Amount through REST API?Hi, We have a cash advance with status Partially applied We need to update the Amount Tried to use the REST API, but getting errors like for example, the one below. Can …
How can we create BU specific DFF at expense item line level?User should only see the DFF at expense item line level based on the BU. They should see other BU DFF. We are aware that the BU specific context is not available at expe…
Why are all authorizations displayed in the "Select Estimated Expense" dialog box?We observe that when we create an expense report and associate an authorization in the dialog box, authorizations that have been applied to an expense report appear. Wha…
Vacation rule for delegation is not showing on the employee Vacation and Delegation ReportSummary: A user had a vacation rule setup for delegation however it is not showing on the preferences nor on the Employee Vacation and Delegation Report. Content (please…
Amex Corporate Card transaction is picking MISC expense type for all MCC / MIS codesSummary: Hello Experts, All the Corporate card setups are in place. We have configured the MCC code mapping rules to Credit card ( CC ) expense types. CC expense types a…
Customization to ensure a global flexfield is present only for certain expense typesHi All, There was an ask to customize a new field to be present on only certain expense types out of the entire list of expense types. We deployed a Global DFF with LOV …
Capture attendee information from outlook : Expenses MobileHi, Can someone please let me know what configurations are needed to link the expense mobile app with my work outlook ? This will allow me to add the attendees from a me…