Category 335
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Expense ID available in the Expenses table but not found using REST API, getting 404 errorSummary: We have a couple of Corporate Card Expense lines, that are available in the exm_expenses table. Unfortunately these lines are linked to Expense Template IDs tha…
How to setup Key Flexfield Partial in Expense Type screenSummary: I need to configure two segments of the "Accounting Flexfield" Key Flexfield on the Expense Type screen. How should I set up this Key Flexfield Partial? Content…
Interfacing Concur Expense Transactions to Oracle Payables passing through Fusion ExpensesSummary: Interfacing Concur Expense Transactions to Oracle Payables passing through Fusion Expenses Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): HI Eve…
Expense Report invoice Showup attachment at header in PayablesWhen we are creating Expense report in Expenses then we are attaching the Receipt at Expense Item lines level but when we Processing those invoices into Payables then th…
what is the maximum number of locations allowed on Mileage Expense Item using mapsSummary: Hello Experts Can someone please let me know maximum number of locations is allowed on a Mileage Expense Item while using Oracle Maps from Expenses Desktop appl…
How to update a cash advance status through REST API?Summary: Update cash advance status Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a cash advance that was wrongly closed, even if it had sti…
Restrict company and Department segments list of values for employees raising expenses.Summary: the requirement is one employee should override company and department segment values, other all employees should use the default company and Department segment…
In-App Notifications to employees for outstanding card transactionsSummary: How to enable In-app Notifications to employees for outstanding card transactions ? We are receiving emails to 'Test Mail' configured in Expense System Options …
Issue with Expense Report Routing as Pcard expense when the traveler checks the personal checkboxHi, When a traveler creates an expense report and mistakenly selects the personal checkbox, it routes as a Procard expense rather than going to the travel team for audit…
Payment order report does not reflect payments made to expense reports or advancesSummary: The payment order report does not reflect payments made to expense reports or advances. Is it possible to have these payments reflected as well? Content (please…
Need to know the list of Expenses Report and for which we can view the Approvals in the HyperlinkSummary: I need the list of Expense Report statuses for which the approvals can be viewed via the hyperlink. Navigation: Expenses > Audit > Expenses Status Hyperlink The…
Query to find accounts coming in lov for expense items in expense templateQuery to find accounts coming in lov for expense items in expense template Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Self-Approval Prohibition is not working in FinExmWorkflowExpenseApprovalSummary: I had configured below setup but Expense Reports (FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval) are still routing to the expense owner as the initiator is part of approval gro…
Is there any way to control the expense entry based on the Project type for Expense TypeSummary: There is one Expense Type '3rd Party Reimbursable', that business would like to use only if projects is of the type Direct-Funds. while using OnPrem/EBS, We use…
Expense Reports returned with Auditors notes even if Auditor Requested more Information is set to NOSummary: A new dropdown search criteria has been added to the "Manage Expense Reports" dashboard in Hera. This is the "Auditor requested more information" field. When I …
Expense Bank Account Active Button Unable to be Checked/UncheckedHi Everyone, In the Manage Bank Accounts screen in expenses, why is it that the active button is grayed out and unable to be checked or unchecked at some points and othe…
I'm trying to overwrite the Cost Center in Expense Report but I'm getting errorSummary: Hi all, Just want to check if you were able to update the cost center on an employee Expense Report? When I tried to update the cost center while creating an ex…Miles Purihin-Oracle 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
How to default location on authorization requestSummary: we need to default location when submitting request authorization to be default one value from the drill down list Content (please ensure you mask any confident…Abdelrahman Samy 24 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
purpose of attributes on Expense ApprovalsSummary: Hello Experts, Please let me know when / how does the below attributes are applicable and what's the purpose of those Complete parallel subtasks early Complete …Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Is it possible to apply cash advance against Corporate cardSummary: Hi, Need confirmation if cash advances can be applied against Corporate card Expense report? could someone confirm on this please Regards Jayasree Content (plea…
Can delegate have a confirmation once the expense report is auditedWhen a delegate is preparing the expense report, once the expense report is submitted for approval, the delegate can get a notification once all the managers in the hier…
Logic to derive default expense account based on Legal Entity, Location and DepartmentSummary: Hello Team, We are loading Employee in oracle fusion as a part of Conversion & we have requirement to Derive the Default Expense Account based on Employee's Leg…
Manage Expenses System Options page is blankSummary: Manage Expenses System Options page is blank Hi, Has anyone experienced something similar? When I enter the Manage Expenses System Options task, I only get a bl…
Handling fees and other charges occurred for specific employeeSummary: We are using Mastercard Cdf3.0 as centrally billed travel cards where it will be one card for multiple employees.There are multiple statement charges and annual…
What's the Operator to be used in BPM Approval Rules to exclude set of people (50) for ExpenseSummary: In Expense Report Approval Rules configured, Single Block is having multiple rules in our case. Question 1: I used 'IN' operator to include people in the approv…
Can select project number by project member in Exepnse Reports?Hi, We want to restrict to select projects only by project team members in Expense Reports, is there any way to configure? Thanks
how does an employee retire an accountable imprest, which was not fully exhauasted?under retirement of accountable imprest with the remaining fundsStephen Osei 4 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
how we are going to allow auditor to override account code combinationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Is it possible to automatically set the Tax Code for Expense item based on expense location?Summary:We want the location to drive the tax code for all the expense items. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
Problem with the NF code of the lookup EXM_CC_AMEX_NF_FEESSummary: I have a problem with one of the transactions sent by the file issued by AMEX, this transaction contains the code NF with a description MERCPAGO*NXSTORE. Curren…