Category 335
Discussion List
Is it possible to create a button in PR creation page .Summary: Button needs to be create on PR page for triggering the fund check fail notification to the finance team which is customized . Content (please ensure you mask a…
unable to create expense item from personal emailsWe have implemented the feature expense item from electronic. We have checked allow expense creation from personal emails. But when we are submitting receipts from perso…
can we change status comment of expense that is under review processUsers get notification email for their T&E claim that the receipts are missing, whereas the receipts are attached. The claim is just in a status of pending audit review.…
Standard report to see the default expense account of an employeeSummary: The client is looking for any standard reports to check the default expense account assigned to an employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Rejection Description: Inconsistent business unit informationSummary: We have 3 expense reports that are in Ready for Payment status that are stuck in the Review Rejected Expense Reports and Cash Advances queue with a reason of "I…
Default Expense Account AutomationSummary: Default Expense Account Automation Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Has anyone successfully automated the defaulting of expense ac…
From Where CO and CC is getting derived from in Expense reportWhile creating Expense report in the page while creating expense item it shows CC( which are balancing segment values) and CO( Which are cost center values) coming up wh…
Assignment ID on PCard Transactions does not exist on Assignment Data tablesSummary: We have PCard expenses which neither PCard users nor PCard Approvers cannot find Expenses/ PCard transactions. In our review we found that the assignment ID on …
DFF and attachments in Cash Advance approval notificationHi All, We have created a DFF to capture an additional information but when the manager reviews the cash advance while approving it, he is not able to see the informatio…
what are the Tax accounting entries for Corporate Card Reimbursementswhat are the Tax accounting entries for Corporate Card Reimbursements Below are the entries that I found in in the Oracle Documentation but it does not mention the tax e…
Expense audit by employee jobSummary: We've expense audit selection rules as below. Threshold amount more than 500USD Expense item date more than 120days Policy violated expenses. Now,Business wants…
How to Audit ALL Employee Cash Advance / Employee Expense ReportSummary: How to Audit ALL Employee Cash Advance / Employee Expense Report Content (required): I would like to know how to enable Audit for All Employee Cash Advance / Em…
Contingent workers can't have supplier portal user with same email ID/userSummary: Client uses contingent workers(CWK) functionality in expenses module who are setup as CWK in HR module. In order to create suppliers for them, client would like…
Unable to add Project information to Itemization in Expense Item through REST APISummary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Can LOV items be deleted?that comes when we use apply project button on expense line to apply projecCan LOV items be deleted / or be removed when project is end dated ?, that comes when we use apply project button on expense line to apply project & Task to multiple lin…
If expense report approver is identified as an attendee then approval should not be triggered to himSummary: If expense report approver is identified as an employee attendee then approval should not be triggered to him. How to configure this? Example: Expense report is…
Is it possible to default expense template at user level for loading credit card transactionsSummary: Is it possible to have the expense templatedefault at user level so that credit card transactions can be uploaded usingthe expense type mapping associated with …
Cumulative Mileage UploadSummary: Getting Error in cumulative mileage upload Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): After uploading cumulative mileage upload , getting be…
Print Expense Report - Failed to load errorSummary: Content (required): Hi, I have tried to get the Expense Report output by using the "Print" option on the actions of the Expense Report. However, the error "Fail…
Where can employees view level 3 credit card data in ExpensesWe have had our corporate card program in place for a number of years and can't seem to locate any level 3 data from the credit card provider in the UI/Expense module. W…
how does expense receipt recognition determine expense line typeHow does expense receipt recognition determine which expense line type to default for different expenses? For example when we try to submit a hotel bill its defaulting t…
Can we make Expense Submission for a terminated employee?Summary: Hello, We got a request to create an expense submission for a terminated employee. Employee is terminated without notice on 01.01.2025 so he is not able to requ…
How to show multiple expense templates to usersSummary: We have two BUs and currently one template for each. We have a need to create a separate expense template that will be used by all BUs. It is understood that th…
Does expense report approval email notifications are sent to both the Manager and delegate ?Summary: Expense report approval email notifications should be received by both the Manager and delegate Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I…
Unable to remove profile EXM_REV_CA_ADV_TRAHi, My expense reports are not being transferred to AP and are being rejected. Are these lines on the process log related and can anyone offer some help? (file output fr…
sample file for mastercard centrally billed programSummary: We are trying to implement centrally billed card where we will have one card for multiple employees can you please let us know where exactly the employee tag wi…
Add DFFs at both Employee Attendees and Nonemployee AttendeesHello, I'm trying to add new DFFs at both Employee Attendees and Nonemployee Attendees, at Expense Report Line level. Creating the DFFs at Global Segments, the fields ap…
Expense VISA VCF4 format is not supported by the bank but supports Finnish specific VISA formatSummary: There is a Finnish bank which supports VISA payment gateway and sends credit card transaction details and control files separately. Unfortunately, it is not in …
How to give an end date to the rule under "Manage Expense Report Audit Rules"We have expense report audit rules for a business unit under "Manage Expense Report Audit Rules". Now we want to remove the audit rules, I clicked on edit button for tha…
Expense approval via REST API /bpm/api/4.0/tasks/I am trying to run the following REST API to get a task list. /bpm/api/4.0/tasks/ I have assigned myself many different rules from Employee, Integration Specialist, Appl…