Category 52
Discussion List
Maintain Candidates and Job Requisitions for Search has a status of blocked.Summary: The job requisitions are suddenly not posting on our external career site. I tried running the 'Maintain Candidates and Job Requisitions for Search' to see if t…
Public Info and Employee self-service Person spotlight in redwood UI ?Summary: Is it planned to have Person Info page in redwood UI soon ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When HR use "Person Spotlight Search"…
Custom EIT fields in BPM NotificationHi, We have created some custom fields in Person→Extra Information page. PSB. For e.g. :- We have a field EE Preboarding Journey Trigger Date. Can we show these fields i…Vishal_dhane 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Unable to add Document Delivery preferences for 1095C document type as an admin for employeeSummary: Unable to add Document Delivery preferences for 1095C document type as an admin for employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For …
Redwood:Unable to Convert pending worker(Error Another user is updating this record.Try again later)Summary: We got blocked at the Biographical Info section when we are trying to convert a pending worker. Wondering if anyone has experienced the same issue. We have an S…Chaitra Lakshmi Krishna 19 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ahmed Rabie Human Capital Management
How Position Synchronization works for Assignment changesSummary: We urgently need to understand in absolute full detail how the pos sync process picks position rows which will correct/ update assignment rows. This needs to co…
Customize Audit Reports page to allow audit access of limited business objectsWe have a "Audit Reports" page in HCM which grants access to audit information of all components for which auditing is enabled including HCM and platform level audit as …Narula Shray 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Approval Flow in 2 Different SectionSummary: Hi Experts, We would like to confirm if the following setup in Approval Flow in Redwood is feasible: We need to set-up an approval flow for a specific section i…
Permanent Temporary Flag in LocalGlobal Transfer ApprovalSummary: Use PermanentTemporaryFlag Attribute in the LocalGlobal Transfer Approval, Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requirement …
Is there any setup for late hires to process arrears in payroll.Hi all, Kindly provide your inputs on this. Employee has joined after payroll run in June 2024(Payroll was processed on 25th June 2024 and employee hire date is 27th Jun…
An unexpected error occurred on redwood position pageSummary: An unexpected error occurred on redwood position page Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are getting an unexpected error occurred…
What are the restrictions by using Position Profiles in ,Talent review ,succession plan etc.What are the restrictions by using Position Profiles in ,Talent review ,succession plan ,Talent Pools and Performance Management .
Only one payroll at a time can be designated as the primary payroll for single payroll terms recordSummary: Transaction Error -Only one payroll at a time can be designated as the primary payroll for a single payroll terms record Content (please ensure you mask any con…Parag Hiremath 160 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Kumar Nalin Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Work Schedule Assignment, if it is possible to bring the most recent schedule at the topHI, We have a requirement that employee is assigned to different workschedules, now those are coming on the sequence and the latest one is moving to the last. HR has to …Srinivasa Rao K L 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srinivasa Rao K L Workforce Management
Change Personal Information info Notification is BlankSummary: HR has added employee home address with future date, received approval notification but there is no information Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…Rajesh Suvala85 778 views 25 comments 0 points Most recent by Chieral Vince Human Capital Management
Limit Edit & add access in person EIT for EmployeeSummary: We have requirement where we wanted to provide access (Edit) to only one per EIT page, so that an employee can view and update that details Content (please ensu…
Bind Variables in Table-Validated Value Sets RedwoodSummary: In Responsive Page, We have Document Record DFF having Bind Variable such as (:{VALUESET.SCC_HCM_PENALTY_DATE}), and its returning a value in Responsive Page. H…Yaser Alamoudi 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Human Capital Management
Auto Provision Security Roles for HR/Learning Admin when the training status is CompletedSummary: Ability to have the Auto Provision of Security Roles and Areas of Responsibility for HR/Learning Specialists when the training status is Completed! Content (ple…
Redwood: Disability Info DFFSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I was trying to enable some additional fields for the Disability Info in Germany. After re…
Is there a list of exactly where each name format from Manage Person Name Format appears in HCM?Within the Manage Person Name Format task, is there a list of where exactly in HCM each name format appears? For example Display name shows in the homepage only, x forma…
Need Context segment created at multiple levels under Descriptive flexfieldsSummary: We have an enhancement request where the fields need to appear based on values selected in the drop down. Explanation: (L1 to L9 fields are in use) If L1 is Y, …
Redwood: (25A) Submit button is not actionable in Job, Job families & Locations details pageSummary: Hi @Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle We were getting the following error msg ("Error: An expected error occured") when accessing Job, Job families & Locations details …Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Yalluri Sreenivasa Reddy Human Capital Management
Future hired employee not reflecting in Redwood employment info PageHi Team, We are unable to search Future hired employee in redwood employment info page. Need help in resolving the issue.Satyabrata Nanda 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sateesh V -Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to require attachments for the second submission of the document of record?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24D Code Snippet (add any code snippe…
Switching to Redwood Pages - HCM Redwood Pages with Profile OptionsSummary: This document identifies HCM Redwood pages or flows that can be turned on or off through profile options. Pages are flows that are delivered turned on we highly…Onkar Asai 2.9K views 18 comments 4 points Most recent by Andreea Badescu - Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can i make attachment mandatory on the second submit of the document of recordSummary: The client requested to force the employee to submit attachment on the second time of requesting the service. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Hire an employee - Value is not in the list of valuesSummary: On the Redwood hire an employee page, in the National Identifier section we are getting an error in the city of issuance of the ID document. The values belong t…
Would like to display the H1 email for the User in the Security ConsoleWe would like to add a field in the security console to show the Users "H1" email. This is an ask from the business to address their workflow. How would I add this field…Elisabeth Rocha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Audit Oracle Cloud HCM Approval rule setupsClient wants an Audit on all BPM approval setups. They want to track who made changes to Setup and what was old value and what is new and when it was done. Is there a po…
When resignation is under approval, termination should not be appliedWhen the employee sends a resignation request for approval, a duplicate termination event should not happen. How can we restrict scenario in the system.