Category 56
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How to prorate front loaded absence plan accruals based on LOS changeSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement to prorate front loaded absence plan accruals based on LOS change. For example, if employee hired on December 9 2019, On reaching …Drisya G Kumar-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Work Schedule hours not applying in Global Absence Discretionary Disbursement RuleSummary: We have a scenario where based on employee work schedule, they can apply for Disbursements but with increments based on their work schedule hours. E.g an employ…
OTL Fast Formula | Type : Time Calculation rule |How to dynamically get weekend of an employeeSummary: Hello Experts, My requirement is to dynamically fetch the weekend based on each employee’s work schedule. There are multiple work schedule available. Please sug…
Generate Time Cards from Time Collection Device Auto Withdrawn issueHello everyone When I run ''Generate Timecards from Time Collection Device'' Process ,after done happen auto Withdrawn any Excuse Leave in workflow waiting for approval …
Issue with absence validation fast formulaSummary: We got issue absence validation fastformula, there one field (L_DURATION2)is causing issue , no value coming. We have updated the logic with the below logic. if…
Is it possible to trigger a journey when an absence ends?Summary: We have a requirement to trigger a Return to Work journey when a Sickness Absence ends. Is this possible? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Work Schedule Assignment section without Setup & Maintenance sectionSummary: Hi, has anyone managed to access the “Work Schedule Assignment” section with the “Setup & Maintenance” section disabled? Content (please ensure you mask any con…Michele Ferro-Oracle 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Add days against dates on timecard approval screen.We have requirement to have days against date on approval screen so that manager can understand which is saturday or sunday so that if employee is filling regular hours …Sakshi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How can Line Manager access Work Assignment Administration area under My Team?Hi All, I have added ORA_PER_SCHEDULES_AND_EXCEPTIONS_ASSIGNMENT_MANAGEMENT_DUTY ORA_HTS_VIEW_TEAM_SCHEDULE_BY_LINE_MANAGER to custom Line Manager Role. Now, Manager can…Pratyush_Pks95 10 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
The time card can't be submitted. Contact your help desk. (HXT-1665064)When I'm trying to create a time card it's giving me this error. I've used a custom Calculation Rule formula. It looks like that the formula is causing the error. But wh…Shubham Prajapat 102 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Pay Period not matching work scheduleSummary: Oracle community- We have scenarios were employees work schedule does not match the pay period and the pay period might fall mid-work week. We initially had our…Kirly Mendoza 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Illness Reinstatement is coming two times in the new assignmentFor existing employee, the new assignment was added and make the old assignment as inactive, so Reinstatement wants to happen in the new assignment then for illness plan…
If Action was created with wrong Action Type or Action Code by wrong operation, how to fix it?An action was created with wrong action type and we are not able to edit or correct the action. How can this be fixed.
How to disable calendar from specific employee groupHi, we would like to know if there is an option to disable the employee calendar for a specific set of employees? Path - Me → Time and Absence → Calendar Thank you, Shan…Shanaka Samararathne 17 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shanaka Samararathne Workforce Management
Can we enable a drop down to select time instead of manually entering time on Timecards in OTL?Hi All, Our client has requested a drop down list to select time on time cards, instead of manually entering the time in cells of Timecard in OTL. Can this be done, if y…AROC-Parth 18 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Withdraw Functionality in Oracle Fusion Time and LaborSummary: Employee submitted the time card and the status of time card is Submitted, Now Employee clicks on the Withdraw button in the worklist notification, but the time…
In Redwood Existing Absence Page, under start date default value is comingSummary: In the Redwood Existing Absence Page, Start date is appearing with a default value and unable to clear that. I have checked it under VBS also and there is no op…
New page in navigator not visibile to some usersHi all, we create a new page visible in navigator (EL expression) with links to otbi reports, but some users cannot see the page. #{securityContext.userName==''||#{secur…
time entry layout component not auto populated on timecard if leave or absence is there in redwoodWe have enabled redwood, and we have fields like project , task type , task name apart from payroll time type and assignment no. . If absence or public holiday is there …
Personalize Calculated Time on Redwood Time CardHi, Is there a way to personalize the columns that are shown on the "View Calculated Time" page accessible from the Redwood Time Card entry page? We use Additional Attri…
Non-unified layout upgrade tool 25A?Summary: Has the non-unified layout upgrade tool been delayed? I was previously advised that this would be delivered in 25A but it isn't displaying in my 25A environment…
Copy previous Timecard button allows expired task to be sent for approval.Summary: When our users use the copy data from previous timecard button, the system allows for expired task (that were not expired on the previous timecard) to be entere…
Redwood: Time and labor manager is unable to add/enter time card for Inactive employeeSummary: Time and labor manager: unable to enter timecard for Inactive employee Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, As time and labor mana…
OTL - Multi attribute time field migrationSummary: we have a multi attribute time card field with different HCM group is added each row, it includes more than 35 rows. when i am trying to migrate it through pack…
Seeking Feedback on Redwood Adoption for ESS/MSS PagesSummary: We are currently using HCM, Payroll, and Benefits. Soon, we plan to transition to Redwood for Timecard and Absence pages, specifically for Employee Self-Service…
Difference for Same Hours from Classic Time Card to Enhanced Time Card in RedwoodHello Team, We are observing variance for the same time inputed from classic timecard to redwood enhanced timecard. Below are the screenshots for the same any pointers w…
Not able to see any rule sets associated with existing absences page in VBSSummary: Trying to edit page in VBS on the page - 'Existing Absences' under Line Manager view. But we can't see any rule sets associated with the same. Looks like the pa…
Timecard with absence and public holiday entry only is not going for approvalWe are processing absence approvals through absence approval rule and timecard through payroll timecard approval rule. If there are entries only related to absence and p…
OTL time cards not round up time totalsSummary: The Time totals at the bottom of OTL timecards used to round up. However the latest timecard does not appear to do this (Please see screenshot showing 20 minute…
The newly assigned Cost Center Manager isn't displayed in the department's details after submissionSummary: Steps to Reproduce: Navigate to My Client Group > Workforce Structures > Departments and search for the relevant department. Click on Edit - Correct, go to the …