Category 56
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How to add a flex field on an HCM Cloud page?Summary: Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets that support your topic, if applicable):
Line Manager cannot publish in Team ScheduleSummary: Line Manager should be able to publish in Team Schedule but LM receives an error message when he tries Content (required): I have created a security role for li…
Web Clock is not visible after the personalizationSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, We have enabled the web clock using personalization but still, we are not able to see the web clock. Any Suggestion. Version (inc…
Nothing in the Web ClockSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, I have enabled Web Clock from personalization but we are not getting anything inside the Web Clock is this the right behaviour. P…
Get value 'End Time' in work assignment pattern in fast formula time and laborHi Experts, how can i get "end time" in work schedule assignment pattern in fast formula time and labor. i want to get the difference between "end time" in time card and…
Responsive UI Timecard Layout - Template optionsSummary: Content (required): We are moving to responsive UI for time cards, however we find that the time entry no longer displays in a "column view" by day. Instead, th…
Getting Error for Line Manager for Leave ApplicationSummary: Hi, We are getting error while applying leave for accrual leave plan by Line Manager similarly for other business users apart from Employee Login. We have valid…
How can we do sum of two decimal value through value set.Summary: We have a requirement of adding duration of two absence entries through fast formula. I tried to get the sum through value set but it’s giving me whole number ,…
Terminated employee on RUI Team time card pageSummary: Terminated employee on RUI Team time card page Content (required): Hi All My customer did a back dated termination for an employee on 11/1/21. Now they want to …
HCM Audit logsSummary: What options are available for enablement of audit Content (required): Need to enable audit log Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Orac…
Can Anyone Please tell me the use Overtime checkbox available in Repeating Time Period?Is is linked to the worker time processing profile. Any Suggestion are welcome Thank You in Advance Regards - Karan
Auto transfer of balances to a temporary assignment recordsSummary: Is there a way to automate the transfer of absence balances to a temporary assignment records? Content (required): We configured our accrual plans to transfer p…
How do you manage to Synchronize Grade Rates for employees who are not due an automatic incrementSummary: We have found that the Grade Step progression and the Synchronize Grade Rates are intrinsically linked, meaning that where an employee is not due an automatic i…
What is the Function of this overtime checkbox available in Display Option?Navigation to this page is --- Login with Employee>Me>Time and Absence>Calendar I have created element with overtime and gave it to person while filling his time card bu…
Load Holiday for specific employees using spreadsheetSummary: Content (required): Hi Team, We have got a requirement to bulk upload the holiday for multiple employees using a spreadsheet template. Can anyone help us to pro…MohammadAfghanul Khair 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by MohammadAfghanul Khair Workforce Management
Absence Status Not Changing Even Though ApprovedSummary: Content (required): Hi All, Absence Status Not Changing Form In Progress To Complete Even Though Approved Version (include the version you are using, if applica…MohammadAfghanul Khair 41 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Workforce Management
Here in time attribute dropdown there are keywords have been added can you people answer the meaningSummary: Time entry layout component> Multiple Time attribute> Add time Attribute> Time Attribute> Drop down Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
Work Day Definition--Field Name for Work Day Definition ID on Employee Assignment?Summary: What field is the Work Day Definition ID stored in on the Employee Assignment. Content (required): We are assigning Work Day Definition to some employees on the…
Validation on Work Schedule Assignment Page - manager or admin start schedule start of Pay PeriodSummary: Validation on Work Schedule Assignment Page - manager or admin should start work schedule from start of Pay Period Content (required): Validation on Work Schedu…
Termination - reporting offboarding commentsSummary: Content (required): We are trying to create a report that selects all terminated employees within a date range, along with the term action reason. Many times ou…
What is the right attribute in ProjectTimeCardApproval for Person Types (in User and Roles)Summary: What is the right attribute in ProjectTimeCardApproval for Person Types (in User and Roles) Content (required): Hi, In our current situation all the time cards …
Error message when accessing Absence Balance: ADFS_FACES-60097/60096Summary: Content (required): A user receives the following error message when trying to open Absence Balance: ADFS_FACES-60097: For more information, please see the serv…
ADF_FACES-60097:For more information, please see the server's error log for an entry beginning with:Summary: Hi, One employee only gets the error below when trying to access the absence balance: Logged in as him in a test instance and the error is happening there as we…
Validation Error message appearing multiple timesSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement to display a custom error message when an employee tries to add an absence more than the maximum limit allowed. Hence …Pooja S-Oracle 105 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sahil Mahajan-Oracle Workforce Management
Unable to add custom checkbox in Add Absence pageSummary: Content (required): We have a requirement to add a custom checkbox in Add Absence page. If we configure the same through a DFF, then the used has to go to 'Addi…
Why an employee can submit PTO time over her allotted PTO BankSummary: Oracle has let Tiara White overtake her PTO time by 5.85 hours. She should only have been allowed to use 75.00 hours See backup below she is a 37.50 hours per w…Jennifer Ritcey 11 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Kim Winkler - NCS Multistage Workforce Management
What triggers or hooks an employee for the Update Accrual Plan Enrollment process?Summary: Employee's accrual plan is end-date and then re-enrolled in the same plan. There are no changes to the employee's assignment. Why is it doing this? Content (req…
How can I set up code for initiator in approval hierarchy?Summary: Scenario: There are 3 approvers and the employee is the initiator of the absences. If an employee is initiating, hierarchy is working fine. But the requirement …
Checklists Flow Electronic Signature and Transfer to Document Records absenceSummary: how to view e-signature report after task complete using per_checklist_tasks columns Content (required): Using Doc ID 2611795.1 as a reference, we realized that…
In HCM can pregnant women be registered?Summary: I need to register employees who are pregnant Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippet…Dick Gonzales 21 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Prateek Parasar - GTUK, ACE Pro Workforce Management