Category 59
Discussion List
Talent Profile content sections shows only up to 25 entriesSummary: 44 entries are loaded for a specific content section, but only 25 entries are showing. Tested adding more than 25 entries manually — no error showed but 26th it…
Performance ratings have been loaded using HDL for an employee, not visible from UISummary: Performance ratings have been loaded using HDL for an employee, but the ratings are not visible from Talent Ratings UI page. Could anyone help me with this? Tha…
Succession Plan - How to select all members of a talent pool in candidates sectionSummary: We would like to know if it's possible to select all members of a talent pool when adding members from a talent pool Content (please ensure you mask any confide…Giuseppe Casalino 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Namrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co Career and Succession
We have made comments required under skill and qualification but not reflecting on pageSummary: We have modified fields rule to make comment section required but it is not getting reflected on page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
HDL – Sample file to load Position Model profile with competency.Dears, I need to add or update the position type in the model profile with the competency section, I need the HDL that is used for it.
Not able to hide the DFF's in Development Goals Redwood UI which was created in Performance GoalsHi Team, We have created many DFF's in Performance Goals page. We have also enabled Redwood UI for Goals. But, In the Development Goals Tab, We could able to view the sa…Indhu Gomathi Nayagam 36 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Nancy Lang-Oracle Career and Succession
When will the "find by analysis" feature be available in Redwood Talent Review?When will the "find by analysis" feature be available in Redwood Talent Review?…
Why most Line Manager Dashboard reports show no results found ?Please see screenshots, most of the Talent reports in Line Manager Dashboard shows "No Results" Person running report has full data access & all BUs are selected. (Hopef…
skills and qualification removed from spotlightSummary: We enabled the skills and qualification in redwood what i saw that this tab is now removed from the spotlight although it is still enabled in the DEsign studio …
Hide Job Location on Talent Community and under OM Update InterestsWe have a requirement to hide Job Location in both internal and external career sites. Customer only has geography location so Job Location preference is not needed. Can…Sai Vennela 15 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Feby de Jesus Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Skills and qualification page competencies are not displaying as expectedHi, We have enabled Redwood for Talent. as per the note in Oracle Profile management ->Redwood Experience for Profile Management "The screenshot below shows the spider g…
Performance rating showing as blank in Talent Review MeetingSummary: Performance rating showing as blank in Talent Review Meeting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, The performance rating is b…
Successor employer setup in Oracle FusionSummary: We need to transfer a set of employees from one company to a new company mid-year. However, we want to avoid impacting SUI, FUTA, and FICA balances and avoid st…Prabhu Krishnamoorthy 5 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Prabhu Krishnamoorthy Career and Succession
Readiness field is default with one LOV in succession planSummary: Readiness field is default with one LOV in succession plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, when we are creating a success…
Static Report for Talent Review Grid PositionsHello everyone, I am looking for a solution regarding the Talent Review module. Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to generate a static report that cap…
Talent Profile: Verification Done by Third PartySummary: Hello, what is the meaning of the following flag "Verification Done by Third Party"? How it works? Any suggestions? Thank you Regards Alessandra Content (please…Alessandra T. 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Melanie Mahon-Oracle Career and Succession
How to fetch the Learning Details associated with Development Goal in OTBISummary: We are trying to extract the Learning Item (Course and Status) details associated with Development Goal in OTBI Report. We are using "Workforce Career Developme…Jeeva - Cloud Vantage 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Jeeva - Cloud Vantage Career and Succession
Redwood: Select All checkbox is missing in succession plan redwood UI.Summary: In redwood UI of succession plan page under 'Add from Talen Pool' page "Select All Checkbox" is missing. Step 1: As a HR navigate to - My Client Groups > Succes…Namrata Sonavane - JP Morgan Chase & Co 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Adriana Tudor-Oracle Career and Succession
Privilege Needed for "Add using best fit" Under succession PlanningPrivilege Needed for "Add using best fit" Under succession Planning
Unable to use Redwood Talent Profile page - Search not workingSummary: The search page of 'My Client Groups > Profiles > Talent Profile' does not work. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The Talent Profi…
Massively add reviewers in the Review Participants when scheduling the Talent ReviewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi experts, our client has a specific requirement: a way of massively adding Reviewers in the Rev…
When creating a Succession Plan through a quick action, the Job Grade field is not saving.Summary: When creating a Succession Plan for a specific worker using the "Job" Succession Plan Type, the Job Grade field does not save and appears blank upon review. Thi…
How does the Willingness to Relocate field get populated on Succession PlansSummary: I have followed the instructions to make the fields: "Risk of Loss", "Impact of Loss" and "Willingness to Relocate" fields visible for Candidate details on Succ…
Career and development goal library - Target outcomes not showing attributesSummary: We are unable to inactivate attributes from the section Target outcomes Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, when we go into My Cl…Giuseppe Casalino 110 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Vitória Albuquerque Career and Succession
Can we change the View Profile link to navigate to Skills Center in the ProfileChangeNotification?Summary: Hi All, We have a requirement to open the link of the 'View Profile' option button from Connections to the Employee Skills Center page in the ProfileChangeNotif…
Is there "Favorites and Recent Items" on Redwood pagesSummary: we are on 24D. I am wondering if Redwood page has any option/ provision for displaying "Favorites and Recent Items" Similar to what we used to have in Responsiv…
OTL Redwood clearing recent items listSummary: Hi all, we have recently enabled OTL redwood into the system and we found out that in the favorites and recent items menu on the top, the users can still access…
What does candidate in plans refer in Succession Organization ChartSummary: What does candidate in plans refer in Succession Organization Chart. And what is the Functionality of Candidate in Plans? Does it refer to Candidates flowing fr…
How to mark a succession plan as completedSummary: Hi, When we create a succession plan, we add candidates/potential successors in that plan and give them ranking. But after some time, when that specific positio…
Skill template is missing in Catalog Item. Hence I am not able to add the Content section of skill.Summary: Hi We have a requirement to implement dynamic skills. We have enabled and created skill content section with skill center. However, we are not finding an option…