Category 82
Discussion List
Schedule Request loaded using HDL not reflecting in UI (Under Planned Schedule Tab)Summary: Hi Experts, I am trying to update the shifts (overriding the shifts through 'Planned Schedule' ) using HDL. HDL is showing successful and HDL status also showin…
Org Chart Redwood direct linkSummary: How to construct a direct link URL for Redwood Org Chart page with profile ID as session user profile id Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Oracle HCM license and certification update is giving 403 ErrorSummary: I am using the REST API PATCH call to update the LCR(License, Certification and REgistration ) details via the below REST End point but, it is giving me 403 for…
Download Oracle Pages/Content to Apple GoodnotesSummary: Download Oracle Pages/Content to Apple Goodnotes Our chief would like to download Oracle pages to Goodnotes, and unlike OneNote the content is not getting downl…
Need REST APIs for HCM FunctionsSummary: Customer required the activity logs related to the actions performed by users in HCM and other related information. we believe that the endpoint mentioned below…
Error while entering timecard :- The time card can't be submitted. Contact your help desk. (HXT-1665Summary: When I'm trying to create a time card it's giving me this error. I've used a custom Calculation Rule formula. It looks like that the formula is causing the erro…
Getting CHANGE_CONTEXTS errors in fast formulasSummary: I need to find the previous location code of an employee. I have written a fast formula and getting change_contexts error. Below is the code I used: DEFAULT FOR…
HCM extract not working as expected.Summary: I have an HCM extract which was developed few months before. Now I need to add few additional fields to the existing extract. I have added the new fields, in wh…
How to enter a Supervisor via HDLSummary: How to enter a Supervisor via HDL Content (required): Hi, we would like to add a new Supervisor through HDL. I upload the file Worker.dat (see the attachment) b…Alberto Barile 158 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Abi Samra Human Capital Management
HCM Extract with 2 FTP locationsSummary: Hi, It seems possible to configure multiple delivery types for a single extract. I couldn't find any information on Oracle Support or Customer Connect saying we…
How can we connect a biometric system (like fingerprint) with the Oracle Time and Labor (OTL)?Hi, We want to connect a biometric system (like fingerprint) with the Oracle Time and Labor (OTL). Please give a solution. Thanks, Balasri
Oracle fusion hcm Rest API to get passport detailsSummary: Hi experts, I need API details to retrieve the following employee information from HCM: Employee ID Country National ID Type National ID Passport Number Date Is…
File based address validationStatus Code Status Message StatusCode_31 The transform assigned a different primary type. The file based address validation gave me this above message and not creating t…
How to get all the values returned by GET_VALUE_SET_VALUES in Fast FormulaSummary: Hi Experts We are trying to print multiple records from the output of value set by using fast formula. Can someone provide an example to use GET_VALUE_SET_VALUE…
Need help with Loopback IntegrationsWe are exploring the option of "Loopback Integration" previously known as "Inbound Interface" which got decommissioned since 22B. We have received a step by step guide f…
Does anyone have done the custom integration with background vendorsWe are doing BGV with 3rd party background vendors, candidates are doing BGV form filling and upload of required docs in HCM as well as background vendors website, so we…Venkateswarlu Kothapuli 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Samarjeet Pati Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
REST API or SOAP services to remove person informationSummary: Is there a REST API or SOAP services that will allow daily activity integration for removing terminated employees information like Ethnicity, assignment, NID et…
Question related to importing bank details / Payment method through HDL TemplatesHello, Currently we are in implementation phase and there is a blocker in Data migration. There is a need to migrate bank detail information from Legacy platform to Orac…
How can I make a field Select Many?Summary: I'm working on an App Extension in Oracle HCM Cloud, and I need to change the field type of several fields, including "Dets SQs Access," from "Input Text" to "S…
HDL Tool Java Version 17Summary: HDLTool.jar - is there an updated version that supports only Java 17 upwards? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would like to in…
Fusion to EBS integration issue is there because of some root element issueHi Team, As part of the payroll integrations using connector, i have extracted the .XML into the UCM server in HCM Fusion but not able to Import to the EBS. The reason f…
Is there a connector for integrating ADP Payroll with Oracle Cloud General LedgerSummary: When using ADP Payroll Global View and Celergo, we need to import the GL transactions into Oracle Fusion Cloud. There are connectors for the integration between…Reinhard Klahn 40 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
What is the TO_CHAR function to print the "l_eff_dt='1951/01/01 0:00:00' (date)"Summary: I need to print the value of effective date . l_eff_dt='1951/01/01 0:00:00' (date) l_log = ESS_LOG_WRITE(FORMULA_NAME ||'l_eff_dt:' to_char(l_eff_dt)) Will log …
Issues in loading ScheduleRequest, ScheduleEvent and ScheduleShiftEventSummary: Issues in loading ScheduleRequest, ScheduleEvent and ScheduleShiftEvent. HDL file has data in the same order as above. The HDL file loads to success for about 1…
Absence new integration lookup not enabledHi All, We are having a new Oracle HCM implementation for US, we see that the new absence integration lookup ANC_TM_NEW_INTG_ENABLE is not enabled by default. I have add…AkshayK 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreekanth_Gannavarapu-Oracle Workforce Management
Predefine Scheduled processesHi dream Team 😊! Quick question - where can I find the complete list of Oracle scheduled processes (predefine) that are managed by Oracle on a weekly or quarterly basis?…Zaneta_Zetkowski 97 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Zaneta_Zetkowski Fusion Applications Administration
Need to know if 3rd party providers are supportedSummary: We have a requirement to shorten a link which will take a candidate to his assessment page. We are analyzing the options and would want to understand if 3rd par…Nagadeepthi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Erika B-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to pass JWT Token in SOAP API PayloadSummary: How do I pass a JWT Token in the SOAP API payload to authenticate when calling the BIP outputs Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ve…
Integration is generating the file in UNIX LF formatSummary: We have a situation where, after the integration is complete, the file is stored in the Globalscape folder. When the file is downloaded, it is in UNIX LF format…Nitesh Dubey 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
"You need to enter a valid value for the JobLegId attribute." on JobLegislative HDLHello, I am attempting an HDL and getting this error message in the upload: You need to enter a valid value for the JobLegId attribute. The current values are 3000000074…