Category 82
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Unable to delete "Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides" calculation card using HDLSummary: Unable to delete "Employee Earnings Distribution Overrides" calculation card using HDL Content (required): We are able to delete few "Employee Earnings Distribu…Visu 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ankana Ghosh-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Value update in UDT using either HDL or any other processHi Team, We wanted to update the value in UDT for the bulk number of UDTs. Is there any real-time worked dat file to update this? Suggest us the best way to update the b…Mahendra 414 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Chai-Oracle Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Can someone share the table name to identify the Process ID of each subprocess in extracts?Summary: Need to know the table name which stores the Process ID of each subprocess(Archive subprocess) in extracts? Content (required): Need to know the table name whic…
REST API - Getting error when trying to update TimecardGetting error when am trying to update/create timecard using REST API. Below error: No worker matches the reporter identifier 300000049459590. (HWM-3750184)
Unable to load Calculation card Component detail DFF infoHi Team, I'm trying to load Calculation card Component detail DFF info for State umemployment Self Adjustment method via below HDL but it is not happening and giving thi…User_2025-02-12-02-30-48-730 57 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raju Sandepogu-Oracle Data Integration
Loading multiple attachments to Document of Record via HDLSummary: We regularly use HDL to bulk load Document of Records with attachments, but this time we want to include multiple attachment in one Document Of Record. When I t…
HCM Extract for Oracle HCM - Oracle Field Service | Create and manage OFS resources RecipeSummary: Structure for the HCM Extract for HCM-->OFS Integration Content (required): Has anyone been able to create an HCM Extract for HCM-->OFS Outbound integration? It…Shruthi Ramesh 72 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Parreira-Support-Oracle Field Service
Options to Automate File Upload in UCM ServerSummary: Inbound Integrations - Options to Automate File Upload in UCM Server Content (required): We are working on Inbound Integrations. We receive files from third par…
Failing to load due date changeSummary: Need to change due date of performance document participants but getting error with HDL Content (required): We are having delay in our performance process in th…
The values HCM_DIVISION,**** aren't valid for the attribute OrganizationId.Summary: I was loading an organization tree node in our system and I encountered this issue when I loaded the .dat file in import and load data in data exchange. in my .…Cyrus Bravo 223 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by SOUMYA PRIYA CHOWDHURY Human Capital Management
HCM Extract| How to use refine extract to add parameter in the HCM extractSummary: Hi , I am developing an HCM extract where I need to have 2 parameters in the extract. I have never worked on the refine extract and need input on the same. Than…
Absence and Payroll info reconciliation not generating outputSummary: Absence and Payroll info reconciliation is new extract report delivered by Oracle in 22B but when we are submitting this extract, we don't find any output file …
Integration between Oracle HCM to Oracle FinanceSummary: Do we have delivered integration b/w oracle HCM and Oracle cloud. Please provide the list of those integration. Do we have integration to Send GL,Bank details,N…
How to extract absence previous values after an absence was updated by shifting to another daySummary: When an user shifted an absence record to another day, in HCM Extract, the previous values are lost. Content (required): Using the ABS_EXT_PLN_ABSENCE_ENTRY_UE …
WSA in Payroll transformation FormulaSummary: We are using WSA function in HCM Data loader Formula in single thread to ignore or error out duplicate rows. Can we use multiple threads to achieve the same and…acmhari 204 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by susmita Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Passing transformation formula name in Load data from File flowSummary: Passing transformation formula name instead of transformation formula id as parameter for Load data from File flow Content (required): I am trying to submit "Lo…Jaeyshree Kumaran Kalpana 45 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Prabhakar Fusion HCM Integrations
Network Data Zip FilesSummary: Content (required): Does anyone have Taleo Network Data zip files to load in core to use in ORC; institutions, certs, programs and employers? Version (include t…Kami Dexter 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Wendy Kreihs-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
HCM Extract Quick Start ResourcesContent Documentation Manage HCM Extracts Office Hours HCM Integration office hours is a series of sessions with HCM product management which provides a forum to discuss…
Oracle Cloud Applications API Authentication SetupSummary: While configuring the INBOUND authentication in Security Console, we need to upload a certificate as shown in…Very Nice Name 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Dat file to load Positions in HCMHi Team, We wanted to end date bulk number of existing positions and create bulk number of new positions in HCM. So can anyone share me the dat file to load the same or …User_2025-02-12-02-03-48-970 72 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
How to Read .dat file in OICSummary: How to Read .dat file in OIC Content (required): Hi All, We are getting File in .Dat format,now we want to read the file so that we can perform the some transfo…
Exctract Failing for FPT folder as attribute after 22ASummary: We have a few extracts when we have set the FTP folder dynamically but now after 22A they are failing Content (required): We have a few extracts when we have se…
Error when loading Tax Withholding for Pension and Annuity Payments CardsSummary: When I tried to load Tax Withholding for Pension and Annuity Payments Cards, getting HDL load error. Content (required): When I try the HDL load, I am getting e…
What paramter need to pass in HCM cloud adapter for HDL loadSummary: What paramter need to pass in HCM cloud adapter for HDL load Content (required): Hi All, I am loading worked data using HCM cloud adapter and in the mapper i sa…
Error when loading Tax Withholding for Pension and Annuity Payments CardsSummary: When I tried to load Tax Withholding for Pension and Annuity Payments Cards, getting HDL load error. Content (required): When I try the HDL load, I am getting e…
Expose a customer BI publisher report using REST APISummary: How I can expose output from a custom built BI publisher report to a 3rd party using a REST API Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, …Nirmal 154 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Can we reset password through HDL?Is it possible to reset password through HDL? Can someone share the sample HDL? Or what is the possible way to reset the password in bulk without sending notification? R…
How to populate one field based on an input in another field in HCM Spreadsheet Loader?Summary: How to populate one field based on an input in another field in HCM Spreadsheet Loader? Content (required): In the salary spreadsheet loader, we are passing act…
objectSnapshot REST API - gives not found errorSummary: I am trying to use objectSnapshots API as per Oracle documentation REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud - Extract an Object Snapshot the URL is /hcmRestApi/resources/1…
Unable to load Element through HDLSummary: Unable to load Element through HDL Content (required): i am trying to load Element Data through HDL but getting bellow error Regular Performance Bonus-IN Legisl…