PTO accrual rate calculation?
We have created a payroll item as Type = Earning:Vacation and Pay Code = Paid Time Off - Taxable. We have it set to accrue as "Per Hour Worked." Generally speaking, it seems to work well for accruing and paying PTO. We have noticed that it accrues vacation time when a person uses vacation time. That is, the vacation hours seem to be added to hours worked as part of the accrual calculation. Our company policy is to accrue PTO based on hours worked, and that does not include vacation hours used. Employees do not earn vacation while being on vacation. We have to manually adjust available PTO in order to correct the over-accrual when PTO is used. It would be nice if part of the "Per Hour Worked" setting allowed us to choose payroll items to include/exclude in the accrual calculation. Does anyone have a solution for this?