Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Estimate line quantity
I'm working on SuiteTalk c# soap application.
When i'm creating estimate from soap request, i cant add estimate line with quantity > 1.
estimate.itemList = new EstimateItemList
item = list.Select(i => new EstimateItem
item = new RecordRef {internalId = i.ProductId.ToString(), type = RecordType.lotNumberedInventoryItem, typeSpecified = true},
quantity = i.Quantity, //2
rate = i.Price.ToString(),
amount = (double) i.Total,
description = i.Description,
price = new RecordRef{internalId = "-1"},
When i save estimate and look at it in UI, there is only 1 item in line
Also, when i'm trying to create quote with item, that have 0 Available - i'm getting error, but i can create quote with this item in UI. How can i allow to create quote with items, that have 0 Available?