Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
SuiteCommerce Developer Tools Require Token-Based Authentication
This notice is to inform you that the authentication method for all SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced developer tools will change due to the NetSuite mandatory Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) policy.
What is Changing?
At the time of the NetSuite 2021.1 release, all versions of the Commerce developer tools, including the extension, theme, and SuiteCommerce Advanced command-line developer tools, must be compliant with the mandatory 2FA policy for NetSuite administrators and other highly privileged roles.
Commerce developer tools will no longer accept NetSuite user credentials for authentication with NetSuite and instead will require token-based authentication.
Mandatory 2FA Policy Summary
Administrators and other highly privileged roles must authenticate in a way that is compliant with the mandatory 2FA policy for UI and non-UI access to NetSuite. Using user credentials to access NetSuite for these roles is prohibited as the authentication method is not compliant with the mandatory 2FA policy.
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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