Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Upcoming Changes to Project Intercompany Cross Charge Request for Intercompany Framework in NetSuite
This notice applies to you if your account uses the Project Intercompany Cross Charge Request feature.
What is Changing?
In NetSuite 2021.2, the Project Intercompany Cross Charge Request feature will be hidden by default. This change will not affect customers already using the feature.
Why is NetSuite Making this Change?
The Project Intercompany Cross Charge Request feature, introduced as a part of the 2021.1 release, will be further enhanced in the upcoming release. For this reason, the record and its related forms will be hidden by default in NetSuite 2021.2.
Required Actions
No actions are required. However if you have questions about this change, please contact NetSuite Customer Support.
@Robert Nedelkow-Oracle | NetSuite Support Community Administrator
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