Override Applied Rules (numbering) via SuiteScript 2 to set tranid for Invoice?
I have a User Event After-Submit SuiteScript 2 code that among other things generates (record.transform) a Sales Order to an Invoice. One requirement is to make the Invoice # (tranid) be the same as the Sales Order. When I try to set this value (invRec.setValue("tranid", soTranid);), this is ignored and the auto-number is used.
There are Advanced Numbering rules set for Invoice records and when I look at the just-created Invoice, indeed System Information - Applied Rules shows this.
My question is, how can I get around this? My first thought was to just re-load the Invoice after it was created, update the field and re-submit...but this doesn't work. I tried via loading the record and using setValue and then save(), and also tried record.submitFields, but no luck with either.