Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Journal Entry Line Sequence Number Custom Column
I have a general ledger to line level Report. (Not Saved Search). During validation we found that if a JE has 200 lines and some of the lines are the same the report is consolidating the lines. The accounting manager needs this report to show every line. I have been researching Line 'Sequence' number custom column, which I tried, but was returning an error because {linenumber} is not a field in JE. I looked through the entire dropdown and couldn't find any reference to sequence number. I did however see a reference ID.
I assume the only way to accomplish this request is to add a unique identifier to all line items in the JE's. Please advise if that assumption is correct. If that assumption is correct, how do I either add the sequence number (which is in the back-end of NS) to the report or how do I add a custom column to the JE with a sequential line sequence number that is not going to get skewed when edits or changes are made to the JE.