correcting Sales Tax in open period while leaving the sale in previous period
Hello Gurus,
Really appreciate this site. Great knowledge here. Thank you. I hope I can contribute back to it.
I have a puzzle.
We have customers replying to our invoices saying, sorry, we meant to submit our certificate, here it is, can you please re-send our invoice without sales tax.
If the period is still open, Ez Pz, we enter the certificate in the portal of the tax engine (we use, which is integrated), edit the invoice, click Calc Tax, wihch now shows as exempt, or $0, click save, email, done. This is during the first 10 days of any month.
We have the identical situation on day 13, the previous period is closed, we will not open it unless truly compelled, and so do not want to credit memo 100% of the sale & re-create the invoice in this period (with the correct tax) because that "moves" the sale (& rev rec) from last period to this period. We can not have that. We are OK with crediting tax in this period, which changes our reporting slightly, but we accept that.