Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Suite Analytics v2021.2 overview
SuiteAnalytics is a powerful tool that transforms data into visual information. SuiteAnalytics is a better alternative to Excel and provides real-time ERP data using tables, pivots, and charts that can all be viewed on dashboards. With today’s release of NetSuite version 2021.2, SuiteAnalytics brings more enhancements to make building the right report and scrutinize the data even more powerful.
Combining multiple datasets in a single visualization via SuiteScript
Most SuiteAnalytics users have already created visualizations from the data in their datasets and workbooks. Even though the NetSuite data model allows a lot of flexibility and provides automatic joins between records, you might need to connect two datasets in a single visualization, such as a chart. To combine multiple datasets, a common denominator is required, such as IDs or dates that are contained in both datasets. Common uses for combing datasets are “budget vs. actual,” “planned vs. actual,” and “reported vs. completed” reports.