SuiteCloud "An unexpected error has occurred. Details: Cannot rename/move/create folder."
Hey guys! Hope you all are doing well!
Well.. I'm still facing really hard times with SuiteCloud CLI or VS Code Extention.
After discovered that we need to use "SUDO" before any command lines, now I'm stucked while trying to deploy any project to any instance:
"..Validation of references to translation collection strings against account in progress. -- Success
Begin deployment
Create folder -- ~/FileCabinet/Web Site Hosting Files/Live Hosting Files/
*** ERROR ***
An unexpected error has occurred.
Details: Cannot rename/move/create folder. A file or folder with name 'Live Hosting Files' already exists."
What is that folder that already exist? How can I solve this? Stablish SuiteCloud has been a really exausting. Copy to Account NEVER worked.