Revenue Carve in creating mismatch in Deferred
In our financial audit, a few deferred revenue samples were pulled where there was deferred revenue on the waterfall report that I cannot figure out where the calculation is coming from. In all cases it was when revenue was added to a highly discounted line. In this situation, we highly discounted a subscription and merged the subscription arrangement to the Sales Order resulting in some of our professional services revenue being added to the revenue of the subscription.
My concern is with the Subscription with the blue formatting. It is an annually billed subscription and at the end of 2021 we had recognized 75% of the revenue which should leave 3 months of Deferred. I pulled a revenue by customer report that shows that we recognized $1,310.27/Month through the final 3 quarters of 2021. The Deferred Waterfall report shows 3 months of the $1,310.27 which is correct, but it also has $442.48 that is showing as deferred in April 2022, I can't figure out how or why the $442.48 is showing up or how it