How to print the appropriate logo based on condition using Advanced Templates?
In our existing quote Advanced PDF/HTML Template there is logic that allows 1 of 2 logos to appear on our quote PDFs. In the attached file is the source code and i believe the logic starts at line 20-25 (i noted it as well). You can see if the cseg_appf_business.id = 2, then use the logo image specified at the url location (NetSuite file cabinet); if the business.id is anything else use the other logo image.
What we are hoping to accomplish is add logic for a 3rd logo to appear on the quote, but include the the quote type (Field ID: custbody_roth_quote_type, List ID: customlist_roth_quote_type) as part of the condition. We have four quote types in the system: project (ID 1), project developer (ID 2), contract builder (ID 3) and contract builder developer (ID 4).