Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Event Search's Date in the Criteria doesn't seem to match Start Date
Hi Folks,
I recently did a "quick" search, by "Date" for events - we expected 100K records, and only got... 7! I almost cheered "Job's Done"... but.. 7 is not even close to 100k. However I did a Formula(Date) field, and in the Field dropdown, it showed "Start Date". I selected that, and with the same criteria, came back with the 100K.
So 1) Is "Date" on the Criteria supposed to be "Start Date"? There is no Start Date. Similarly, on the Fields drop down in the Formula, there is no "Date".
2) Regardless, where did it pick up those 7 records? What did "Date" represent? Both the "Start Date", and the "Series Start Date" on the records of the events that don't show up are before this "Date". So why are 100K records being excluded?