Is there a limit for Scheduled Workflows?
I have a workflow based on a Contact Saved Search.
The saved search returns 1700.
My workflow State Condition is Tax Notification = False.
There were only 300+ contacts where the Tax Notification field is False.
I could not get the workflow to fire.
I changed the Contact Saved Search to only return the 300+ contacts where the Tax Notification field is False. (I know the saved search should have limited the results in the first place)
This was the only change I made.
The workflow fired and updated the 300+ contact records as expected.
My Question ... just for information: ... Do workflows to update a record field have a Saved Search row limitation? (I know it is more efficient to reduce the pool/saved search in the first place). I just spent too much time, replicating & troubleshooting a Workflow from one that worked perfect. Since the only difference is a criteria to reduce the saved search results the workflow uses as a condition, I was wondering.