NSC | Saved Search of Item Receipts with no Landed Cost applied
User wants to create list of Item Receipts with no Landed Cost applied. This can help them easily identify which Item Receipts need to be adjusted.
To do this, you can try and follow the steps documented in SuiteAnswers 12611.
If the search there did not work for you, here is another Transaction Saved Search you can try:
- Criteria > Standard tab:
- Criteria > Summary tab:
Formula Used: CASE WHEN {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost1%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost2%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost3%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost4' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Note: Replace "LandedCostX" with the name of the Landed Cost Categories in your account. Repeat the
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