NSC | Saved Search for Item Receipts without Landed Cost
User needs to create a list of Item Receipts without Landed Cost applied to the transaction.
Create a Transaction Saved Search with the following details:
- Criteria > Standard tab:
- Criteria > Summary tab:
Formula Used: CASE WHEN {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost1%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost2%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost3%' OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost4' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
Note: Replace "LandedCostX" with the name of the Landed Cost Categories in your account. Repeat the OR {memo} LIKE '%LandedCost4' clause in case you have more Landed Cost Categories.
- Results tab:
Note: Add fields/columns as necessary. Atleast 1 column should have the Summary Type = Group since we are using Summary Criteria.
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