NSC | Include your Subsidiaries' Company Logo on the printed Packing List
For OneWorld organizations, instead of having the main company logo print on you can add your subsidiaries' logo to the packing list, follow these straightforward steps to customize your printouts and enhance your branding.
1. Navigate to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Template
2. Edit Packing Slip PDF/HTML Template you want to customize
3. Add the code (please check where you want to put the Logo in):
<#if record.subsidiary.logo?length != 0><img src="${subsidiary.logo@Url}" style="float: left; margin: 7px" /><#else><#if companyInformation.logoUrl?length != 0><img src="${companyInformation.logoUrl}" style="float: left; margin: 7px" /></#if></#if>
4. Click Save.
Note: To print your logo on standard forms, the logo must be no more than 200 pixels wide and 60 pixels high. Image resolution may change how your logo appears on a standard form. If your logo doesn’t display correctly, change the image resolution.