SuiteScript - Error accessing a field on a non-existent line or add lines from a static sublist.
Hi all,
I created a custom record with a custom sublist and am having some trouble scripting with it. Wondering if anyone might be able to help me as I try to debug this.
The error is as follows:
{"type":"error.SuiteScriptError","name":"MAD_RECORD_ERROR","message":"An error occurred while updating or creating the MAD record: You have attempted an invalid sublist or line item operation. You are either trying to access a field on a non-existent line or you are trying to add or remove lines from a static sublist.","id":null,"stack":["createError(N/error)","updateOrCreateMADRecord(/SuiteScripts/AssetDisposal.js:224)"
Sam Dainton
ERP Project Manager, MPUK
Mobile Power ltd - www.mopo.co.uk