Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Open Letter to All NetSuite Customers
TO: All NetSuite Customers
I know many of you may be disappointed that your critical enhancement did not make the 2009.1 release. For many of you, there are critical ERs that are make/break for your business that didn't make the release list for 2009.1. I fully understand this. I have been there.
This is hard. Please stay with me for just a few more sentences.
NetSuite has made a major change in software releases that has a HUGE impact on all NetSuite customers -- and it is a very POSITIVE impact!!
This release, 2009.1, exhibits a major change in NetSuite releases. Please forgive me NetSuite, but in the past, as most of us know, the new release with all of the great new features that we have been waiting for, comes with a major downside: Many new unintended DEFECTS with all of the great new features.