Limitations of Drag And Drop
I am tasked with creating a method for sales to create a presentation document in Netsuite to give to a potential customer. Sales will prepare PDF documents to attach to the estimate and I will script a presentation to email or print. I need a simple way to drag and drop the PDF documents to a "specific file cabinet folder" associated to that estimate. the File Drag and Drop Bundle is limited to a specific folder and needs to be pre configured to that folder when set up,
My bosses spec is to isolate presentation documents, and allow sales to upload multiple documents at the same time. I am either looking for away to script the File DnD options to go to a folder based on the estimate number or use a 3rd party script like React drag-and-drop component. I am not seeing much concerning DnD except for the NS Bundle, which is limiting. We also do not want to subscribe to services like Box.