How to put borders in every cell - Advanced PDF/HTML Template
Hey all,
We have a report that shows what assemblies need to be produced. I created a template so we can print them. It looks like a spreadsheet and in the template I put a border but it's not doing the border on the individual cells. Anybody know what I need to add to the source code to get the internal borders? Source is below.
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE pdf PUBLIC "-//big.faceless.org//report" "report-1.1.dtd">
<link name="NotoSans" type="font" subtype="truetype" src="${nsfont.NotoSans_Regular}" src-bold="${nsfont.NotoSans_Bold}" src-italic="${nsfont.NotoSans_Italic}" src-bolditalic="${nsfont.NotoSans_BoldItalic}" bytes="2" />