Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Adding sent emails to custom records
I'm trying to send and email from a custom record and add that email to it as a related record. I'm sending the email OK, but it just wont add the related record. Strange thing is the same code works in the sandbox but not in live!
The sending code:
author: currentrecord.getValue('owner'),
recipients: emailrecipient,
subject: checklistsearchresults[i].getValue(checklistsearchresults[i].columns[1]) + ': A deboarding checklist item requires your attention',
body: '<b>' + employeename + '</b> has now left the company on <b>' + hd + '</b>.<br/><br/>Can you please address the following deboarding checklilst item assigned to you:<br/><br/><b>Title:</b> ' + checklistsearchresults[i].getValue(checklistsearchresults[i].columns[3]) + '<br/><b>Description:</b> ' + checklistsearchresults[i].getValue(checklistsearchresults[i].columns[4]) + '<br/><br/>Can you please ensure that this is completed by <b> ' + dd + '</b>.<br/<br/>Please reply to this email to confirm that the checklist item has been completed.',