Shipping item causing error relating to intercompany PO/SO.
So we start a process by making an intercompany purchase order.
If I add a line item for shipping charges it throws the following error when trying to save the document.
'This purchase order cannot be associated with an intercompany entity and used for Cross-Subsidiary Transaction. Please remove association to the intercompany entity from this Purchase Order or uncheck the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Receipt checkbox for this Purchase Order'
Here is the shipping item.
On the PO, I cannot find the Allow Cross-Subsidiary Receipt checkbox, nor in the customization. I have CROSS-SUBSIDIARY TRANSACTION preset to unchecked and cannot be interacted with, but I don't know if that's correct as it doesn't fix the issue either.
Sam Dainton
ERP Project Manager, MPUK
Mobile Power ltd - www.mopo.co.uk