Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Why are we receiving an error when processing Email Notification for Electronic Payments?
When I am in user's role and view an Electronic Payment File, the click Email Notification we get the following error.
"message":"Permission Violation: The restrictions on your role deny you access to this record.",
"stack":["Error\n at suitescript/resources/javascript/record/recordImpl.js:96:12\n
at Function.loadRecord_raw (suitescript/resources/javascript/record/recordImpl.js:94:24)\n
at suitescript/resources/javascript/record/recordImpl.js:82:27\n
at Object.loadRecord (suitescript/resources/javascript/record/recordImpl.js:80:24)\n
at Object.load (/SuiteBundles/Bundle 533070/com.netsuite.electronicbankpayments/src/lib/wrapper/9997_NsWrapperRecord.js:52:31)\n at paymentFileJumplet (/SuiteBundles/Bundle 533070/com.netsuite.electronicbankpayments/src/comp/su/15767_payment_file_jumplet_su.js:83:37)\n