Page Break Inside a Table Row? (Advanced PDF)
Occasionally we get very long descriptions for our Estimate (which we call "Quotes") item descriptions, which causes—when printed—that row in the PDF to end up on its own page, like below:
Is there a way that we can make the row break across the page boundary so that part of it is on the first page and the rest on the second?
I have already looked at these two SuiteAnswer articles:https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/66550/kw/66550 https://suiteanswers.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/66474/kw/66474
but we're hoping that we don't have to use workarounds like that to achieve what we want. Is there a native way to do this with CSS and HTML? I am not an HTML pro, so my knowledge is limited. Any advice that anyone can offer will be much appreciated.