My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
The response I received from SuiteIdeas was 'as designed' case closed with no explanation. I am not even sure if they really understood the issue. If it is designed to work this way, then it is quite inconsistent and misleading. Oh well.
Thanks @Leonard Mallare-Oracle for your thorough analysis. It is quite possibly a bug, so I have submitted it to SuiteIdeas
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle. I think you have done the best you can to provide an answer. I won't know for sure until I am able to test the beta endpoints for myself. If need be, we can utilize scripts to work around any issues or limitations. Thanks for your assistance.
I created this SuiteScript 2 user event script as a work around. /** *@NApiVersion 2.x *@NScriptType UserEventScript */ define (['N/log'], function(log) { // On invoice create/edit, applies item.taxcode when custom field item.custcol_tax_code_override is present. function beforeSubmit(context) { if (context.type !==…
Hi @Kristoffer Viray-Oracle Thanks for responding. I am using a different role from the standard Administrator role. However, from what I can see the role I am using has all of the same permissions set. A 204 created status is returned - no error. However, the tax details provided are not honoured and instead the default…
Hi @Richard James Uri-Oracle Appreciate your response. Unfortunately, we cannot try the beta endpoints until we have been approved for the program. So, I guess I will have to wait until then. I know the customer payment works with SOAP, but I want to use REST. To your knowledge, are known issues with beta endpoints are…