My Stuff
We have the default bin set up, but no the assembly build, I need to select the inventory detail to drive that putaway. Can I automate that click and have the inventory detail completed based upon the save of the assembly build?
Order Fulfillment location is a custom field, free form text, and is populated based on a search: Order Fulfillment location is populated by a workflow save field value It is currently a free form text. If I change it to type list/record, will the workflow still work?
I have a field on the SO Order Fulfillment Location, which is saved via workflow from a field, Order Fulfillment Location View, which is determined by a search via workflow. I want the field SO Order Fulfillment Location to be tied to a list, rather than free form text. This field shows up as a filter on the print picking…
This didn't seem to help. However, I was able to recreate the report as a saved search, which I can export.
Try Select the minimum value of credit memo formula and item receipt formula on the summary query
The issue was with the role definition. Bin Putaway worksheet was not included in the netsuite connector role.
Katerina, Thank you!!
You'll need to use a summary query, it repeats because both the CM and IR are in your query results.
Here is the task bar It does not trigger a download. It is coming from a linked workbook that I created connecting a custom record to the sales order main line transactions between the customer and data (year)
I can create the link. My question is if I can build a dataset equal to that of a summary search. I want a table connecting the two datasets with subtotals of one set of data.
That search only works on scheduled searches, not those triggered by events.
Could I accomplish this with script executed with each create or edit of a sales order?
Thanks for the answer. I was hoping there was a way to find it without each specific email. I know the user, but don't know all the searches that trigger an email to that user. Since the user is our CEO, I'd rather find a way to fix this without bothering him.
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle thank you for the response. I want to populate a custom field on the header. On the sales order is field Fulfillment Center On each line, inherited from the item master is the field so line fulfillment center If all lines have the same so line fulfillment center, I want to populate that value into…
I want to add a field to the header of a sales order based upon review of an attribute of the lines. What is the best way to accomplish this. For example, each item belongs to a product line, if all lines are the same product line, list the product line in a custom field at the header level. I want this to be able to…
Disregard this post. I found that what I did DOES work! I jut wasn't checking the right records on the test, I didn't realize the test only did a limited set of the search results. I am going to celebrate now.
Further note, the field I am copying from is a non-stored field populated from a search. I see that data on the sales order, but I want to capture that value as a static field on the invoice.
Here is what I thought would work: The search finds all sales transactions (main line = yes) in status Pending Fulfillment, Pending Billing, Pending Fulfillment/Partially Billed, and Partially Fulfilled. It doesn't seem to populate any data.
Leonard, Thanks for the response. I have the OR criteria in the data set, but I am specifically asking about the workbook view of the dataset. The user of the data set wants to see a pivot table of data to compare a week range in year 1 with a week range in year 2. I want the filters selected by the user to include date…
I want a dataset visualization filter to compare a selected date range in one year to a date range in a different year (compare week on week)
Can I follow this same structure to add additional options? if available quantity is greater than 0 then 'available' else look at the formula described above?
Thanks Jack! This worked like a charm!
I found my answer.
Since we don't have subsidiaries established, it doesn't read the fields assigned on the item master?
With a saved search, I can have user parameters to filter the search. Is there a similar way to have users easily adjust specific filters in the workbooks?
Here is the UI for the manual input of the ECO record that I wish to import: Navigation Path: Lists -> Engineering -? Engineering Change Order Engineering Change Order Header: Engineering Change Order Detail. This is what I want to import with the CSV
I created an ECO, replacing one component with another, set the ECO status to approved, and selected to implement. I can in the custom role, create and edit ECO records and ECO detail records. Based on previous input, the following permissions were added to the custom role: Permissions for custom record at full access:…
Ivy, that was perfect!!! Thanks a million!
So is there a way to automate a discount on an item group? We want to use that functionality, but do not want the same pricing level
Thanks, that is what I thought the answer would be.