My Stuff
Thanks a bunch @RJ Bernardo-Oracle - I should have asked in the first place - is there a similar switch for expenses and expense reports? When receipts/expenses reach the same billing caps and only pick up a portion of the receipt/expense, is there a switch to pick up the leftover amounts as well?
Thanks @Julia Ong-Oracle! I appreciate your response and feedback but I think this question is placed in the wrong section of the Oracle community and that is probably my fault. We are using the time off requests in OpenAir only, not in NetSuite. Should I repost this question in a different section or can you redirect my…
@RJ Bernardo-Oracle - thanks again for the insight! I understand the no slip_id concept and why it wouldn't look at the time entry anymore after the first pass. The feature that you mentioned - I don't mind that it will create two separate time entries, similar to the process of 'adjusting' a timesheet creates two…
Thank you very much @RJ Bernardo-Oracle for the feedback. I will request a support ticket to hide the incomplete tasks. It is a bummer that we also cannot hide 'open charges' from the My Status portlet since the invoice creation is an Accounting function but we will make due. Thanks again!
Hi @Joy Noreen Magoling-Oracle I do not have that option, is there a way I can get that? I looked in that area and this is what I have: Best, Jeremy
Sorry, I am a newbie :) This should not be posted in the SuitePeople HR section and I dont know how to adjust the community that this question is posted in.