My Stuff
Still stuck. I tried and verified what the answers above stated. However, it erred out.
Feature turned off.
The issue pertains only to only the Ship To Attention field. The other field (Ship to Addressee populates when present on the sales order. I will turn on this feature you outlined above.
I changed to 256 and the process works. I check with the original, it also works. Somehow the web service once again started to work without notification as to what the issue was. Do you know?
Using the following wsdl in C# Console application app:
I just did a search for a transaction id and it erred out. Here are the request and response soap messages. REQUEST RESPONSE
I have done more web service requests since the morning. Would it list other ones that erred out? Right now it just shows one.
I used Fiddler and got the following xml
I am using a C# console application that executes the following logic:
How do I get the sample SOAP Request?
Quick Watch:
Here are some screenshots of saved search for my report. The SHIPATTENTION column shows a Name. [Image Removed] [Image Removed] [Image Removed]
I am using SOAP web service. Similar role.
Replaced 5 hours with 1 hour on the exp vs iat. I get another error message. {"error":"server_error"}
I made the change to the exp and iat. I also updated the algorythm. However, still experiencing the same error.
When I try to get an Access Token, I get the following error: {"error":"invalid_request"} Not much to go on. Is there any way to investigate? Below is the code to get Access Token.
Thanks for your input. I am created Saved Searches for Sales Orders and Inventory Items and using that in my web services call.
Here is my search for orders using the Save Search. Same role and user. I fail to get Formula (text) fields from the Saved Search Results tab. Any ideas?
What info do you want me to remove when I paste screenshots?
I have created the following Saved Search. [Image removed] [Image removed] When I run the web service advanced search the Formula columns do not show up. Please help. Even the record list is null. Any code examples would help. Sorry I have not reached out earlier.
How does that work?
In addition, I am looking for fulfillable items. Order Items that can be put in a box that are inactive. So far my query for this is the following.
I might need to form an understanding on the item search in general. Right now, I am using "_inventoryItem" as the type of basic search.
Here is an example. Sales Order Internal ID: 15593 Internal IDs for SalesOrderItems 190566 - BM224 : OG143-Navy-XL 61 - INVSetup 127734 - BartonMalow_2-5 14955 - Polybag
Here is what I am looking for. I need to pull in all items that are used in sales orders. Therefore, when I grab the internal IDs from the sales order items and try to retrieve the _inventoryItem, I get no results found. Therefore, the query I need is to pull all items that will be on sales orders. Currently I am doing a…
Sorry. I am using the following SOAP web service:
Thanks for your assistance. I have another question on Inventory Items and Sales Order Sales Order Items for another Support Ticket.
Thanks for your help. I will need more help on inventory, ship confirming with tracking numbers. Since I am new with Oracle NetSuites, I will be asking more questions. So, thanks for being patient with me.