My Stuff
@Elychelle Gulen-Oracle You mentioned "Payment card" instead of "Credit Cards". What is this? I'm asking, since under "Credit Cards" I can't find the "Inactive" field.. which I would like to use to make those cards inactive.
@Hormese Paul - Solution didn't do anything at all. Not sure why.. the column didn't appear at all. @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle - Solution did work, but numbered everything from first row to last. In case someone is making a transaction search and listing all the items in the transaction per row, you can use the following…
@Richard Appleford OB I'm not sure if your emails are coming in as cases in your system. That may be an option. If not.. you may be able to do some magic with functions in your search. If not.. (yes, again).. You could utilize 2 custom fields on the record that keep track of messages that come in and set a date, etc.
@Richard Appleford OB Have you looked into the Case Saved Searches? Doesn't that have fields that show when it was created and the first response?
Thank you, Angela. I've always been curious on how other companies tackled this, and I never got an answer till now.. It's an annoying workaround though.. but it's at least something.
@Angela Bayliss Thank you for that, but no, that is on the Item level, in which you can look into the Member Item fields. However, I need this on the Transaction level, and since you can only go 1 level deep, I can go to the Item level there, but not into the Member Items underneath that.
Hi @Jervin Nicholas Teopengco-Oracle , Thanks to ACS, the solution to the whole issue was to be found in a pretty (to me at least) obscure corner of Netsuite: We use different subsidiaries, and you can set the default form PER subsidiary. Setup / Company / Subsidiaries / pick subsidiary.. / Preferences / "Check default…
@Jervin Nicholas Teopengco-Oracle Thank you for your response. Yes, I believe that's correct, however, whatever I do to that form, NOTHING changes on the printed check. For example, if I take the address field and make it only half the width and move it over to the right, NOTHING happens on the printed check...
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle , not really the "best answer", but I marked it as the answer, since it's the only answer at this point. 😟 Thank you for clearing it up though.
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle Ehm... in Netsuite, go to Lists / Support / Cases and you'll get the list of support cases. One of the columns shows 'grab', which is a link for the Customer Support person to click on to grab the Case and it'll assign it to them...
@Elychelle Gulen-Oracle I'm almost done building my own solution at the moment, without coding. I admit, my solution doesn't go backward in time, but only forward in time, to store the information that I need and work with. I have 2 custom fields on the customer table, a workflow and a (daily) mass update to get the info I…
@Mark Vargas-Oracle The default item drilldown template and the default info item drilldown template were both set to "from theme" already...
@Mark Vargas-Oracle I finally found the bug. I've tested this in Firefox and Chrome and was consistent: Steps: (WSDK site) Go to the company's site. Add an item to the cart. You're now in Netsuite's cart. Log in to the customer's account. Once logged in (and still in the cart), click on a link that takes you back to the…
Hi @Stephen N , Not entirely sure you actually can remove that from the standard Center. That being said, you could create a custom Center if need be.. Just a thought.
Hi @Ivy Lopez-Oracle , I'm sorry.. yes, I was referring to Sales Orders. (I've fixed the original question, thank you) Thanks
Hi @Mark Vargas-Oracle , Unfortunately I don't know what field had been updated at that time... Thanks, JohanvL
Hi @Mark Vargas-Oracle , I can't "simply" reproduce the issue. I know I've seen it several times before, though. I think it may have to do with an updated item record.. but that's just a guess. Thanks, JohanvL
@Mark Vargas-Oracle Well... yes, I already said that in my question. However, when a customer encounters this, they are not going to clear their cookies (if they even know how), but will just go to the competition. So it's not a solution. Is there a way to clear the cookies another way? Or have it expire sooner or…
@Brian Stisser Yes, I've tried that. Some of the fields came through, but others didn't. However, yes, I am using HTML to format the email, which made it impossible to do this.. For a start, the email can only be so long...
@Michelle Jabanes-Oracle Where can I look this up?
Hi @Michelle Jabanes-Oracle Yes, I am listing the items. Again, ${itemline.item} shows the item id + item name. Is there a way to get just the name?
Thanks @Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle !
@Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle Thanks. I accidentally pushed the wrong button, but your response was basically one of the answers to my question (if it was possible). Thanks.
@Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle Not at this moment. Thanks.
@Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle What about using 'custom formula' instead of 'visual builder' inside the workflow though.. is it possible to dig deeper into the items of the transaction?
@Jack Daryl Espiel-Oracle Thank you. Now, are you still talking about running that script in a workflow? Or is it "standalone"? And if so, does it run anytime a transaction has been made?
@James Here I'm looking for the Availability of a kit (depending on the availability of the components)... I can do this when I check the item record, but this I can only do once every 30 minutes. I would like to know immediately if a component of a kit isn't available anymore (or goes below a certain number)... which I…
@James Here I cannot use Saved Search in the Workflow to send me the email I need..
Oh that sucks, too. Wow..