My Stuff
You can print a separate payment voucher from the bill payment in NS. It will list all the invoices that is being paid with that check.
Hi Paul, I would be interested as well. Please let me know when it is available. My email is
I have had this issue as well. I tell the customer I cannot send them a credit memo but I can send them a statement which shows the over payment as a credit on their account.
That might work. Thank you.
Thank you for the responses but I think I may have confused you. I want to customize the email subject line and body not the PDF layout for the PO. Is there a way to do that?
My company has looked into EDI in the past but it was put on the back burner. Now they are looking at providers again. Anyone have any input on who their provider is and their performance?
We need this also!! Regards, Marci
I issued a case with support 3 months ago because GCO is not charging tax for the two states we have set up to be taxed. I actually called yesterday to get a follow up. I was told that defect# 166637 was opened on 07/09/09. That is 2 1/2 years that this defect has been open. I find that very disturbing.
Hi Matt, I am trying to create this as a New Saved Search but I am unsure what to use as the search type. I tried transactions, opportunity and customer. Under each one I could not find Shopping Cart under the criteria. Please let me know what search type you created your Saved Search with. Thank you in advance!
That is great news!! Thank you so much! Regards, Marci
I am in the same boat as Edwin. We are located on the East Coast and drop ship items from warehouses in CA and TX for all of our West Coast customers. We do this to help keep shipping costs down for our customers and to shorten the time to ship these items. It was one of the deciding factors in choosing NetSuite because we…
Sorry I forgot to say that there are many factors in deciding which warehouse the orders will be shipped from. Some warehouses have stock that others don't. The Cust Service Reps do not have any of this info when entering orders. Regards, Marci
Unfortunately, I am not the one who enters the orders. We have Customer Service Reps who enter the orders and I am the one who is responsible for deciding which orders will be drop shipped. Is there a way we could turn off this new feature?
We still do not have this fixed yet. Did the released fix work for anyone else?
We are having the same problem! We have an open case as well under this defect. NS please fix!!!
We have had the same problem with customer addresses for the past week. We just got off the phone with support yet again. We were told that this was not going to be fixed until 11/20 but they did finally give us a work around. They said that apostrophes are causing the issue and not to use any in the addresses.
We are dog slow too!! Very frustrating.
There are alot of great things about NetSuite but here are my favorites: 1. I love the fact that I can create drop ship purchase orders right from the sales order w/o having to re-enter all of the information! 2. I can get on anytime I want. 3. Webstore integration - I only have to update item information once!