My Stuff
Hi, there is no workaround, we did not utilized that option at all.
Hi, we did not utilized the printout. thank you
M Lisa, thank you so much. this worked. I realized I did not changed the account number from xxxx to our account number. my bad. sorry. thank you so much
Hi thank you so much for your response. I wrote like this CASE WHEN {type}='Work Order' THEN'<a name="Print"…
Hi Trixie, this does not worked. I tried that before too. I think because I am calling sales order from work order type thats why. not sure. thank you
any update?
Hi, I just wanted to update on this discussion. opened ticket with NetSuite support. they asked to create a checkbox if workflow already sent email that check box was checked. also, as workflow condition if the checkbox is checked do not send email. this worked for us. thank you
thank you so much Tigran.
thank you so much. this worked. I was not changing the trigger as entry. thanks a lot Tigran. I have another question: why customer and item are not showing up from invoice to credit memo? do I need to do another workflow for that?
Hi, sorry for the delayed reply. we were trying to do so many different ways. when we select opportunity then the search and also few fields does not show up. when we enter opportunity its under transaction forms. let me test more and get back to you about specific question. thank you
Hi Michelle, sorry for the delayed reply. following is one External quote forms screen capture. which is showing up on the customer. are you asking about this form or the one which is not showing up? I am sorry for the confusion. thanks a lot for your help
yes checked both form it does not match with the online order. :(
Hi, I can not see sales order form under customer center. its only Quote, Payment and return authorization
Hi, yes we did that too. we can see the sales order on customer center. but we don't want customer to see the form that is defaulting. its showing too much information's. thats what we are trying to find the online sales order form. thank you
Hi, thank you for your response. we turned on the online access. but only quotes and payment standard online is showing up. not sales order.
thank you for your reply.
Hi Angela, thank you for the reply.
thank you so much
when I changed the trigger from after to before submit. no email was sent. so I changed the trigger back to After and it sent 2 emails. I tried changing event type from On Create and On View or Update, checked only one but still 2 emails were sent. when I tried the workflow on sandbox, same workflow is sending one email. I…
thank you
thank you so much for your help. I tried to change from after to before and workflow did not send any email. when I put back after submit workflow started working.
Hi Able, thank you so much. for some reason in condition user is not working. I tried with employees too. I dont know what happened. thank you
Hi Alex, thank you. how can I disable Sales order button? is it possible?
Hi, thank you so much for your response. what we are trying to achieve is to lock the record when the quotes showed up in the search. 1st: lock record is not working. if I am not wrong lock record should stop the user for doing anything. but its not working like that. second: I dont know how to disable the sales order…
thank you so much. Pierre J.-L. Plourde and Able Wilson.
Hi John, thank you for the reply.
HI Alex, thank you so much. I created custom field with email address instead of list/record.
Hi, I created a custom field for using in the Sender field. but that custom field is not showing up. is there any way to do that? thank you
Hi, thank you for your reply. I dont know what happened only yesterday. user was not showing correctly. today when the same user tried its showing correctly. thank you for your help.
thank you