My Stuff
Thanks, @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle ! Exactly what I needed!
Hi @Nicole Mendoza-Oracle The Netsuite representative has reached out to me. We are discussing this matter. Thank you for your help Michael
Thank you. No one has reached me yet. Maybe they do have a problem with the form submission?
The form just thinks for more than a minute after the submission. Then - nothing happens. No notification that "we've got your form", no email .... The site just returns to previous "partners" page. So, I wonder if they've received the form or not...
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle Thanks, Nicole, I've contacted the Partners program and filled out the form. But no one got in touch with me yet. I also didn't received any confirmation that a form was received - neither via email nor via site after the submission.... It was about a week ago. I'll wait a bit longer
@Nicole Mendoza-Oracle I don't have an Account Manager. I don't have Netsuite. I have built many BI solutions for my customers but my question was about something else. My question is about getting a license for demo account for teaching BI based on Netsuite demo database. Please help me get in touch with a Partners /…
The issue has been solved. Thanks
Yes, it appears to be some outage with SuiteAnalytics Connect:
Just to update - we've opened a ticket and this was classified as a defect # 739031 We got update that engineering team is working on it.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Hi Richard. I am confused. Is my original issue (sourcerevenueplan disappeared) solved? You are addressing the @User_RQLP5 issue. Maybe it's better @User_RQLP5 to open a separate post, since I don't see how it is connected (unless it is) I would really appreciate help with sourcerevenueplan gone…
I did. Support Case #: 5371114. Defect 737292: ODBC/JDBC > StatisticalJournalEntryLine table > sourcerevenueplan column > null results
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Hi Richard. I am confused. Do you think the @User_RQLP5 problem is related to my original one? Because all I want is to see again the source revenue plans for each transaction line. I want this SQL to work again: select * from StatisticalJournalEntryLine where sourcerevenueplan is not null I have…
@User_RQLP5 Not sure if these are related. For me, the following used to work fine for a long period: select * from StatisticalJournalEntryLine where sourcerevenueplan is not null And then suddenly stopped working.
Maybe I am not explaining myself: I know the Revenue Plan table. I wasn't talking about this. What I am looking for is where do I see the Source Revenue Plan for the specific Journal Entries Lines . In the first screenshot you've pasted - you are showing the revenue recognition Journal Entry Lines. This information is kept…
They sent an email today saying that they are researching the issue. Waiting for an update. By the way, why do I see the sourcerevenueplan field only in the StatisticalJourneyEntryLine table? Shouldn't it be in the transactionline table? In the UI screen you've provided above, where you see "1" under Source Recognition…
In your screenshot the sourcerevenueplan field is null. Thant’s exactly is the problem. Several days ago you would see there the revenue plan id Something stopped working in Netsuite.
@Richard James Uri-Oracle So are you saying that you do see this transaction you created together with sourcerevenueplan number in the StatisticalJournalEntryLine table? (the support are still checking my case)
Not sure what do you mean by "a screenshot of the Statistical Journal Line record" Here is a snapshot of my RevRec JE. It has a "Source Revenue Plan" field which is populated. If I select this JE transaction id from the StatisticalJournalEntryLine table - I get no results. select sje.sourcerevenueplan , sje.* from…
Thank you, @Richard James Uri-Oracle I've opened a ticket, but it is still under review. Since I experience this across all of my clients, I assume it is a system bug, that's why I've reached out for this forum as well. If you have some demo account with Revenue Plans and Revenue recognition schedule running based on them…
Anyone? All of my BI reports stopped working because of this... Maybe something simple changed and I am missing it? Or maybe it's a bug? Please help
Thanks, @Richard James Uri-Oracle
Thanks, @Richard James Uri-Oracle As you can see in my post, I've arrived to the similar results but using PreviousTransactionLineLink table. What confused me is the FOREIGNamount field name (you have the same field in the NextTransactionLineLink table). At first, I expected to see there an amount in terms of Primary Book…
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle BUILTIN.DF !! That is so AWESOME!!! It makes life much easier! Thanks!
@Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle Sorry, Joahnna, I am not sure I've got the aswer. Are you familiar with ODBC? Why do you mention "article". My question is straightforward - what TABLE in the ODBC has these codes and descriptions? Thanks
Yes, but is there an ODBC TABLE with these codes and their descriptions?
Never mind, I think I've found: But is there a TABLE for these codes?
@Richard James Uri-Oracle Thanks, Richard. I somehow missed it under the Lists. It is working now. Thanks again!
@Kristoffer Viray-Oracle Any update? Thanks!
Update: I checked in the PreviousTransactionLineLink and NextTransactionLineLink tables, because I do see the Journal Entries when I click the "Related Records" tab in the Revenue Arrangement. But I don't find any records with such a link type (Unbilled Receivable Adjustment)... Where can I find this linkage? It has to be…
Thank you, @Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle Is there a way I can follow and see the status of the enhancement?