My Stuff
Hi @Francesca Nicole Mendoza-Oracle, I wanted to thank you for all of your help and guidance personally. Your support has been incredibly valuable, and I truly appreciate the time and effort you've put into assisting me.
Hello Cherry, Thank you for your help! I appreciate the detailed explanation and the alternate solution provided. It’s really helpful.
Hi Francesca, If possible, could someone kindly share the request body format that includes the tax data for a Sales Order? Thanks in advance for your help!
Sure! The issue was related to someone unchecking the "Store Value" option in the Country field settings. Once the box was checked again, the field started saving the value correctly. I hope this helps others who might run into the same issue.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve solved the issue. The Country field was reset to null.
Hi, Thanks for the response! I am trying to input the Country field on a Prospect record. Yes, I am using a custom form for this record. Here are the steps I'm following: Open the Prospect form. Enter the value for the Country field. Click Save. After saving, the Country field resets to null.
Hi Richard, Thank you for your reply! I successfully switched the code from the RS256 algorithm to the PS256 algorithm, and it’s now working as expected. I appreciate your help in getting me to this point.
HiRichard, Yes, I'm currently working with the RS256 algorithm and have successfully been able to generate JWT tokens. However, when I try to use this to generate a NetSuite access token, I'm running into an issue. Specifically, I’m getting the error: "Invalid Grant".
Hi Richard, Thanks for sharing the information! I just wanted to confirm that I’m currently using the RS256 algorithm for token signing. Is that the correct choice? Appreciate your insights! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.