My Stuff
Hi Mikko, I m all good now…. TransactionAccountingLine table is I m looking for.
Hi Mikko, I m after GL Impact of Currency Reval in transactions. I found these amounts in TransactionAccouringLine table. all good now. Thanks for response
@Mikko De La Fuente-Oracle I have tried the above suggestion joining the transaction and transaction line table, however the currency revaluation transactions appearing with null value in amounts / currency fields. Is there any other table/ field that I need to pull in? any suggestions would helpful. Thanks, Prtk
Hi, Found a table "transactionaccountingline" to pull exchange rates at the line level.
Hi, Followingup on the same question... we are struggling to identify the feilds from transaction /transactionline to get the Currency Revaluation Transactions with its GL Impact amounts. Is there any other table /field that we need to pull for these type of transactions?
Hi Micah, We couldn't find any workaround too. This is really a strange behavior and couldn't see other options to pull " Opportunity" data into NSPB. Raised an SR with oracle support too if they can help in anyway.. will keep you posted. Will look forward to the detailed thread you were referring. Thanks, Prtk
Hi Micah, I have checked that too.. this role got full permissions to ALL subs.
Hi Micah, Thanks for this. I have the checked the role and it got "View" permissions to Opportunity transactions. I have changed this to "Full" permissions too, still there is no luck. Regards, Prtk
Hi Michelle, 1) We are using PBCS Integration Role. The user who got "PBCS Integration" role is "Administrator" too in NetSuite. 2) Yes, if we run from Saved Search, I could see the Opportunity type records. 3) Criteria 4) If we see the NetSuite side request ID's logs, it is clearly showing the total record count is…
Found answer myself. Thanks again. {customermain.internalid} is the right field.
Thanks Katerina, I am able to find answer myself. {job.internalid} is gave me the internalID for Projects. {} is gave me the internalID for Customers. Regards, Prtk
Thanks Ivy, This is sorted everything. Appreciate your help.
Hi Ivy, Thanks for swift response. Is it possible to pull the Class Name associated to Item code irrespective if it is recorded in transaction or not? Regards, Prtk
Hi Ivy, Thanks for the help. Yes, I could able to populate the Class InternalID with Formula field and formula as : {}. However, ClassName is appearing still null for many of transactions. I am using "Class:Name" field to populate the Class name. Would you be able to help me to point the right field for the…
Hi Ivy, Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, this is the one we have used, however, this field is giving lot of null values. Also, we are looking for internal ClassID too. I don't find any field that gives class's internalID based on Item code. Thanks, Prtk
Hi Shamaine, Thanks for getting back to me. We have a Items associated to Classes. However, in Sales Transactions only the Items are selected. I want to run a Saved Search on Sales Transactions where I want to get the Sales Transactions at Items level and populate the Item's Class as well in another column. Basically its a…