My Stuff
Hi, I managed to call my RESTlet using RestSharp library. Regards, Radi
Hi, I've checked the 2FA, and it's not required for the role I'm using for the Access Token. After many attempts, I get a 401 Unauthorised error. Any ideas?
Hi, I've achieved this by creating the Chrome extensions for the Enter Completions page. Manifest Content script Please amend the account number in the manifest 'matches' before use. The manifest is in V2, as I was not able to run it as V3, therefore, Chrome reports an error after the extension installation. Please ignore…
@Patrick Fresnosa-Oracle The thing is, I need the Total Current Assents line on the Income Statement.
Hi Patrick, Thank you for the reply. That helps. I think I was not precise enough, as I need to add the balance of the Current Assets account (Stock) which is on the Balance Sheet Report. I need the stock value at the beginning of the reporting period, and the stock value at the ending of the reporting period. Thank you.