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Great. Thanks, @Joahnna Given Uy-Oracle !
@Tigran Shahnazaryan, Thank you, it works! It seems that the problem was not that the field type was a rich text, since it works on both types rich text, and Inline HTML. However, the Inline HTML is more suitable for my needs so thank you for the suggestion! The points to consider from my tests: The set field value action…
Thanks, @Tigran Shahnazaryan, it is a rich text, and I tried to set it as Inline HTML but as Inline HTML field type I cannot see it at the form. Any other idea?
Go to Transactions > Bank > Write Checks. Just make a simple transaction and save. How do you apply it to any other transaction?
Hi. It is solved. When making a copy, or at any other action made from a transaction , creating another record - the system shows on the new record, the state and the workflow of the original record, and it seems like the new record is in the same state - but it doesn’t. The new record starts from the initial state of the…
It doesn't seem like a script as it does not happen when suspending the workflow. And it even seems to be a specific "lock record" rule as the problem follows its conditions. But the only weird fact is that it happens in a state in which this rule does not apply, I asked NetSuite support to look into it, I will keep you…
It seems to happen for any role which is excluded from the "lock record" condition, but as we remember - there is not any evidence for the rule to be applied on those states - so how could this rule be unapplied for making a copy? All which we tested. Yes. doesn’t seems to help
Thanks, it is the workflow, but as there is no "lock record" function on the state, I'm not sure what could cause this, any ideas? It is even editable by this role in this state But only when making a copy it shows like this: Yuval Yunovitch
I want to set approval process for an item's price change. For purchase price I can do this as I have one field on the item header I cannot do the same for sales prices as is is a different sub list which is not accessible from workflow. Therefore, I think of a way to indicate on the item's header by a new field, that…
Works, Thank you!
I will try both and will update. Thank you all!
Thank you, I've tried but the line id does not appear in the items subtab, at the import mapping, but only in the expenses subtab.
Hi, if anyone has any comment I would be happy to hear. Thanks!
Thank you for your answer! We don’t have the global permission feature enabled (and I’m not sure I want to activate it). Any other way to set this without using the global permissions?
Hi. Thank you for your answer. The discount rate was a custom transaction body percent type field which was sourced from the customer. The discount value was a custom decimal number type column at the credit memo lines. I solved it by changing the type of the discount rate to be decimal number as well. I divided to 100 in…
It is a credit memo. After changing the item and the quantity in the line, sourced from the invoice, I want to automatically calculate the line's credit rate which is the discount rate (%) defined for the customer, multiplied with original amount of the line. both are custom fields, screenshots are attached